Page 38 of When You Say I Do

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Two luggage bags are packed by the door, reminding me that my time at the estate is drawing to a close.

My phone lies on the bed, still switched off, a deliberate barrier to the outside world, to the pressures awaiting me.

As I pace, my mind races with thoughts of Emily, of the proposal I made under the starlit sky.

Today, we fly back to London, and I've envisioned arriving at the charity event with her on my arm, introducing her as my wife.

The thought both excites and terrifies me.

It would be a bold move, one that would surely derail my father's plans for me to marry Madeline. But it's more than that – it's a statement, a declaration of my independence, my choices.

Yet, there's a twinge of guilt that nips at me.

Am I using Emily for my own gain? I've always valued honesty, transparency. But the thought of revealing my true motivations to Emily, of admitting how much my father's influence weighs on me, leaves me feeling vulnerable, exposed.

I find Emily in the kitchen, lost in thought as she sips her coffee, gazing at the painting she completed last night.

The morning light bathes her in a warm, ethereal glow, highlighting the soft contours of her face.

She’s gorgeous.

I clear my throat, and she jumps, startled.

Seeing her like this, so deep in thought, I realize it's not fair to pressure her into a decision. If I push her into this marriage, I'm no better than my father.

I steel myself, ready to take back the proposal.

But before I can speak, Emily turns to me, determination in her eyes.

"I've been up all night thinking about you. And I'm just going to say this before I regret it..." She takes a deep breath. "Yes."

I'm taken aback. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, I'll marry you."

My heart soars, a rush of elation coursing through me. But almost immediately, it's tempered by a pang of conscience.

Can I really go through with this, knowing the truth remains hidden?

As I stand there, looking at Emily, her decision laid bare before me, I'm torn between the joy of her acceptance and the weight of the secret I'm keeping.

I take a step toward her, my mind a whirlwind of emotions.

"Are you sure? It’s a big move, and I understand if you think we’re taking things too fast..."

She gives me the warmest smile. "I know..."

Emily lowers her coffee mug to the counter and crosses the kitchen on tip toes, shuffling to me with her arms reaching out.

I catch her as she tumbles into me, pressing her body up against mine and craning her neck to steal a kiss. I grip her waist and close my eyes, savoring her touch. Her scent. Her warmth.

After several tender kisses, Emily grips my shoulders and pulls back and blinks up at me.

“Everyone is going to think we’re crazy. But I don’t care. Let’s do it, let’s get married.”

Her words solidify something within me, a resolve to make this right, to be the man she believes I am.

As I wrap her up in my arms and lift her off the floor, I make a silent vow to myself.
