Page 9 of When You Say I Do

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With a confident step that I absolutely do not feel, I lead William through the estate, my mind racing to concoct a tour that would befit the granddaughter of the Art Queen.

The house is as unfamiliar to me as a foreign country, each turn a guess, each explanation a fabrication spun on the spot.

"And here we have..." I pause dramatically, opening a door with a flourish, expecting to reveal a grand room. Instead, it's a closet. "The... winter coat storage. Essential for the unpredictable weather we have here in New England," I add, trying to mask my surprise.

William raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips. "Fascinating. And where might we find the kitchen?"

I laugh nervously. "Ah, the kitchen. Of course. Right this way." I lead him down another hallway, praying I'm heading in the right direction this time.

It’s been two decades since I’ve stepped foot in this house. And even then, I only came a few times in the summers.

Sasha and I used to play in the woods, instead.

Now, if William wanted a grand tour of the Snowdrop Valley woods, I’d be in a pro.

As we wander through the estate, William's questions come as naturally as if we were strolling through one of his galleries. "So, where is your grandmother currently?" His tone is casual but his eyes are keen.

He looks around, as if expecting to see a sweet old lady apparate in front of us.

I feel a flicker of panic. "Oh, she's... um, I'll give her a call, and check in on her," I say, steering him toward one of the guest rooms. "In the meantime, please, make yourself at home here."

Once William is settled, I hurry away, dialing Sasha with trembling fingers. "He's asking about your grandmother," I hiss into the phone as soon as she answers.

Sasha's voice is annoyingly calm. "Tell him she got held up in Paris or something. You just need to entertain him for a few days."

"Entertain him?" I squeak. "Sasha, we're in my hometown! What if someone recognizes me?"

Stupid question. Everyone will recognize me if I leave the house. This small town raised me. There’s not a soul that lives here that doesn’t know me better than I know myself.

She laughs, her voice light and teasing. "I'm sure you'll think of something to keep him satisfied at the estate. You're creative, Em."

I end the call, my mind a whirlwind of stress and exasperation.

"Fine. I'll think of something," I mutter to myself, though my confidence is as thin as the walls of our deception.

Taking a deep breath, I knock on William's door, then push it open without waiting for a reply.

The sight that greets me has my heart leaping into my throat.

William, fresh out of the shower, stands in the center of the room, his completely naked body steaming while he dries his hair with a towel that should absolutely be around his waist.

He hasn't heard me enter, and I silently thank every deity I can think of.

My face burns as I quietly close the door, leaning against the wall outside, my heart pounding like a drum solo.

How on earth am I supposed to spend the next few days with him now? Every time I close my eyes, I'm going to see...that.

I press a hand to my racing heart, trying to calm down.

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.


Ifind Emily in the kitchen, her gaze fixed on a stack of bananas as if they hold the secrets of the universe.

She jumps slightly when I speak.

"Did you manage to get hold of your grandmother?"
