Page 111 of Maybe Baby

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“I think we both know that Charlie's the man from your past, your mother’s boyfriend that attacked you when you were 13. I think we also know that he had a hand in faxing that trust withdrawal form from our office to your mother. He may have conspired with her for a cut of it. What I don’t understand is why you didn’t tell the detectives the whole story.”

“I told them everything that happened that night. I wasn’t sure that Charlie was connected to the other stuff,” I lied.

“Well, I’m sure Tylar, and I’ve told the detectives as much. There could be further criminal charges pressed against Charlie, but you'll need to be here as they review the statements made the days following your attack, in addition to the evidence I provided them that was left in or at your cottage.”

I really wished Trey would just let it be. “When will I have to come back down?”

“I’m not sure. Someone from the prosecutor’s office will be in touch with you either by phone or mail soon.”

“How's everything going with you up there, Tylar? Are you feeling well?”

“Yes, I’ve been really busy getting the house cleaned and furnished. I’ve got my first appointment with my OB doctor soon.”

“That’s good,” he said. I could tell he didn’t want to discuss my pregnancy in detail. It made him uncomfortable.

“How’s Derringer?” I asked.

“Aside from missing you, he's well. A bit testy with Mark, I think.”

“How often do you get back to Bristol?” I asked.

“Not often. There’s really no need to now. I got your deed in the mail earlier this week. I'll forward it on to you.”

“Thanks,” I replied.

“Let me know if you need anything. Take care.”

With that, the call was over. I finished my Healthy Choice entrée, which was now cold, but I couldn’t taste it anyway. Trey’s conversation had left me feeling empty and numb.

My appointment with Dr. Shelley Hamilton went well. I really liked her; she was young, probably mid-30s, with an upbeat personality. The doctor went over some of the details about my first trimester, which had about a week and a half left. She gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins and informed me my due date was May 5th and she'd see me in another month. I paid the bill and scheduled my next appointment.

When I got home there was a letter from the Office of Commonwealth’s Attorney at the Washington County Courthouse in Abingdon, Virginia in my mail. I was ordered to report to the county courthouse in Abingdon to meet with police investigators and the C.A. relative to additional pending charges against Charles Roberts currently in custody. I had to be there on Friday, November 9that 10 a.m.

I needed to call Trey. I wasn't comfortable going back there and certainly wanted to know what I could expect at this meeting. I heard his smooth and silky voice on the other end.


“Hi Trey, do you have a minute?”

“Certainly,” he replied, “what can I do for you?”

I told Trey about the letter that I'd received and my order to report to the C.A.’s office the following Friday. Trey explained that the Commonwealth Attorney's just another name for a prosecutor or district attorney. He said that my statement would be reviewed with the detectives and C.A. They'd question me as to the other events that transpired, they may show me any videotaped questioning that had been conducted with Charlie, and get my confirmation as to the validity of his statements to date. Trey assured me that I'd not have to come face-to-face with Charlie.

“Will you be there?” I asked.

“I’ve not been requested to be there. Do you need me to be there with you, Tylar, as your counsel?”

“I guess not. I'll be fine.” I was dreading this; I didn’t want to go back to Washington County.

“Are you flying down Tylar?”

“I think I probably will. I don’t want to stay over and it’s too long of a drive not to.”

“Let me know your flight information. I'll pick you up.”

With that, we hung up. I drove to the local library, and accessed the internet to make flight arrangements for the following Friday. I texted the details of my flight to Trey. He texted me back saying that he'd be there to pick me up. I couldn’t help feeling butterflies at the thought of seeing Trey again. It seemed like it'd been forever instead of just four weeks since I'd last seen him.

