Page 132 of Maybe Baby

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He nodded, “Promise me that you won’t let Gina talk you into another piercing or maybe a tattoo this time?”

“I promise Trey,” I replied, saluting him.

“And don’t forget it,” he warned, cocking an eyebrow at me as he lathered his perfect face and started to shave.

I snickered to myself, turning on the blow dryer to style my hair. I dressed in jeans, a dark brown sweater, and my side-zippered boots. Trey emerged from his closet, looking impeccable as usual. He wore jeans and a dark emerald green pullover sweater.

“You look very handsome, Trey,” I said, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him. He seemed a little pouty still. He put his arms around me, one of his hands gently tugging at my ponytail.

“You know I can’t resist you when you bounce around in a ponytail like that,” he teased.

Smiling flirtatiously, I traced his chin with my index finger. “Maybe I don’t want you to resist me.”

“That reminds me,” he interrupted, releasing his hold, “don’t forget to call your doctor to let her know about fainting yesterday, okay? And ask about that other thing.”

“'I'll call her,” I groaned, taking my phone from the nightstand, “But I’m not asking about sex.”

I spoke with my doctor’s nurse, explaining about my fainting spell. I answered several of her questions. She promised to get with the doctor and call back.

Gina picked me up at 11 a.m. and we headed to the Bristol Mall. It was packed with Black Friday shoppers. I couldn’t pass up a gorgeous pair of silver cuff links for Trey. They were in the shape of sexy, pouty lips. In a music store I bought a CD to replace the Debussy disc that Gina had tossed from his car. Gina rolled her eyes when she saw my selection. I also bought Trey the new One Republic CD to complete his collection. I was glad we at least had a band in common we liked. Gina bought nearly $200 worth of CDs just for Ian.

Our next stop was Belk. I wanted to buy a tie for Trey. This prompted more eye-rolling from Gina. I spent 20 minutes, finally selecting the perfect silk tie for him in a rich sapphire blue.

“Doesn’t this match the color of his eyes perfectly?” I held the tie up for Gina to inspect.

“Yes Tylar,” she replied, clearly bored with this department. “Let’s do some shopping for you after this, okay?”

Gina directed me to a small lingerie shop at the corner of the mall. It was called “The Sextique Shop.” The shop’s décor was all deep red, purple, and black. The lingerie displayed on the mannequins was borderline vulgar. I was a bit surprised that this sort of underwear appealed to her. She breezed through the store, not stopping to look for anything in particular. At the back of the store, there was an alcove off to the left, separated by a curtain of colored beads. Gina held the beads aside for me to enter.

Holy crow!

There were shelves full of adult toys and gadgets, lotions and potions. I turned to face her, my eyes wide. “What are we doing in here?” I exclaimed.

“We’re shopping for you, girlfriend, well actually, we’re shopping for your hormones,” she clarified, laughing.

“Gina, I’m not buying any of this stuff. I’d be too embarrassed, and I wouldn’t know how to use it!”

“They’re fairly self-explanatory Ty,” she replied, undeterred. “Besides, I’m buying. These are my early Christmas gifts to you. Don’t worry, I’ll be tasteful. If you’re uncomfortable in here, go look at some undies,” she said, waving her hand dismissively.

I went back out to the lingerie portion of the store allowing Gina to shop in private. I browsed through racks of edible underwear and panties with built-in vibrators.

Holy shit!

Gina came out about 20 minutes later and handed me the gift bag, instructing me not to open until I was home and alone. I noticed that she held another gift bag from the store as well.

“Who’s that for?” I asked, nodding toward the bag.

“A present for Ian,” she said nonchalantly.

“Ian? I didn’t see stuff for guys in there.”

“Ian and I like playing with toystogether,” she said as if I should have known this about them. She'd provided a lot of details on their sex life; perhaps I hadn’t paid close enough attention. I considered the possibilities momentarily. I looked over at her when I heard her giggle. She was watching me figure it all out.

“You really were a virgin, weren’t you?”

“Shut up,” I snapped, giggling.

From there, we shopped for shoes and I bought some cute maternity dresses. Breaking for lunch, I filled Gina in on some of the details regarding the situation with Charlie, my mom, and of course, Trey. I shared with her that he'd told me that he loved me yesterday.
