Page 147 of Maybe Baby

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“Taller!” she shrieked, bursting into a fit of giggles.

I tried not to smile but Gina’s giggling was contagious.

“Promise me you won’t tell any lawyer jokes around Trey!”

I really wanted Trey to like Ian and Gina. He hit it off with Ian but Gina already rubbed Trey the wrong way.

“Yeah, yeah,” she called from the master bathroom. “Check you out girlfriend,” she squealed, “the Hot Nazi knows his way to your heart, I can see that!” She whirled around in the massive bathroom, enthralled.

“Hey Gina, I start a job tomorrow at Trey’s firm,” I said, “won’t that be great?”

“Oh yeah?” she was inspecting the music on Trey’s iPod. “Whatcha going to be doing there?”

“I’m not really sure,” I replied, honestly, “Trey calls it a gopher job.”

She whirled around to face me, “Shut. Up. Tell me that he did not put it that way to you!”

I nodded. I'd let that slip on purpose. I wanted to see her reaction to make sure that I hadn’t been acting ‘hormonal’ as Trey had been suggesting of late. I knew that I was right to feel insulted. “It’s no big deal, Gina. Don’t say anything I just wanted to see if you thought it was as rude as I did.”

“No shit!” she agreed, wagging a finger. “Now, what are you going to wear?”

“I’m not sure. Would you help me put a few outfits together?”

“You got it girlfriend. You’re gonna be the hottest fucking gopher at that firm.”

Gina and I spent nearly an hour in my closet. I tried everything on to make sure it still fit. She picked out my jewelry and helped me decide how to wear my hair.

“I got to tell you Ty,” she said, “pregnancy agrees with you. You still are hot and don’t let the Nazi think otherwise.”

“Gina, it’s not like that. Trey and I can hardly keep our hands off each other. Speaking of which, he found your Christmas present to me.”

“Yeah and so?”

“He thought I may have complained to you that he lacked prowess or something,” I replied, blushing.

“He’s such a Republican, isn’t he?” Gina laughed. “I bet he knows one position and one position only,” she tsk’d at me.

“Gina,” I protested, “Trey fucks me seven ways from Sunday and it’s hot!”

“I see,” she said, smiling, “I get it. It’s all good.”

“What?” I pressed, still annoyed.

“You love your man and your man loves you. It’s all good. I’m happy for you, sweetie.”

"Okay then," I replied giving her a look.

Gina and I made our way back out to the living room. Trey and Ian had finished their third round of beers. The coffee table in front of the couch was cluttered with empty bottles.

“Hey babe,” Trey said standing up as I passed by him on the way to the kitchen, “come here,” he directed.

I looked over at Gina and she smiled. I walked over to Trey and he put his arms around me, swaying with me as we embraced. His lips kissed my hair and neck, our reverie was broken by Ian.

“Get a room you two!” he shouted, putting his empty bottle down on the coffee table. Gina ‘shushed’ him like the best friend that she was and handed them two fresh beers. I went into the kitchen to check on my chili.

“Tylar,” Gina said almost apologetically, “I can see how much Trey loves you. I’m so sorry for what I said. I totally misjudged what you two have going.”

“Gina,” I said, stirring my chili and clicking the oven on to preheat. “It’s no big deal, okay?” She nodded, coming forward to give me another hug.
