Page 152 of Maybe Baby

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“Gina,” he nodded, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

“Trey,” she replied, her tone borderline accusatory. Gina had balls, I gave her that. “Would you mind stirring Tylar’s soup so that I can see what the fuck she's so upset about?” she snapped. Before Trey had a chance to reply, Gina took me by the hand, pulling me down the massive hallway into the master suite. She went into the bathroom, returning with a damp washcloth.

“Here,” she held it out, “your mascara's running.” I took it and wiped my cheeks. “So? What happened? Did the Nazi fire you on your first day?”

I provided Gina with the ‘Reader’s Digest’ version of the day’s events.

“So essentially what you're telling me is that Trey got his nose out of joint because some visiting lawyer brushed against your ass and he felt like kicking his? Ty, that's what boyfriends, husbands, lovers do—get it?”

“I know,” I said, stifling a mini-sob, “but he also sort of thought I liked the attention.”

“Well, did you?”

“No, but—”

“But what?”

“I liked that it bothered Trey I guess.”

“I see,” Gina replied, smiling.

“It’s not funny, Gina. Now Trey and I are in a fight sort of. He had to tell the other senior partners. Eventually the whole office will find out that I’m pregnant. I’m sure I'll be regarded as some gold digger that wanted to trap the handsome, rich attorney, using the oldest trick in the book.”

“Maybe they will think that Trey took advantage of an innocent virgin and now won’t take responsibility,” she mused.

“How can you say that, Gina?” I jumped to Trey’s defense.

“Well for starters, I don’t see a ring on your finger.”

“Trey wants to be married. He said so over Thanksgiving.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me that part Tylar? So what’s the problem?”

“Because it was more along the lines of ‘We love each other, we’re having a baby, I think we should be married,’ type of thing.”

Gina rolled her eyes, “So you didn’t like the proposal? That’s the only reason?”

“I don’t want to be pregnant when I get married. I set that bar a long time ago.”

“Okay,” she said, sighing, “let me ask you these questions and you need to be totally honest with me.”

I nodded.

“Do you see yourself spending your life with Trey?”

“I want to.”

“Suppose Trey would have proposed to youpriorto his knowing you were pregnant, would you have accepted?”

I didn’t have to think long or hard before answering. “I'd have insisted on an engagement of a year or so before getting married.”

“Then there you have it,” Gina replied, beaming, “you get engaged, then everyone will know you're with each other out of love. It's perfectly respectable to marry after the baby is born. This isn’t 1957 after all.”

“I like it,” I said, “there’s only one problem.”

“Which is?”

“Trey hasn’t officially proposed since I put the kibosh on it a couple weeks ago. I’m not going to suggest it, that’s for sure.”
