Page 159 of Maybe Baby

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“Yes, we got snow in Radcliff. Not every year, but some Christmases were white.”

“What else do you remember about your Christmases?”

“Nothing that brings back any fond memories in particular. I’d rather hear about yours, Trey.”

“Pretty traditional stuff,” he said. “We always had a formal dinner on Christmas Eve with family and some friends. Christmas Day was for family only. My dad always cut a fresh tree from the woods. We’d decorate that on Christmas Eve morning. My mom insisted on making all of the pies. My favorite is chocolate by the way,” he looked over at me smiling.

I’ll file that away for future reference, I thought. “Trey, we haven’t really talked much about what’s going to happen when the baby gets here,” I said.

“What do we need to talk about?”

“Well, do you want to raise a child in an apartment in mid-town Atlanta?”

“I hadn’t thought about that. Babies don’t walk or play outside for a while, though. What’s the hurry?”

“I just wanted to know your feelings about the type of environment you want our child to be raised in. I mean, both of us come from very different backgrounds. We probably have different philosophies on child rearing. Don’t you think we should talk it over before the baby’s born?”

“You tell me your expectations, Tylar, and I'll tell you whether I feel the same, how’s that?”

“Okay,” I started. “Well first, I think that our child should have a pet. It’s important that he or she learns responsibility. And, I think at some point we need to consider moving to a house in the suburbs.”


Good, that wasn't difficult.

“I also think that children should have chores and earn spending money, when they are old enough of course.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“I don’t believe in corporal punishment. I believe that discipline is more a matter of behavior modification through rewards, and punishment should be in the form of restrictions or denying privileges.”

“We’re still on the same page,” Trey replied, smiling.

“I think it’s also important that we present a united front, even if we disagree. This discourages the child from playing one of us against the other.”

“I agree as well.”

“That’s about all I can think of for now. Did I miss anything?”

Trey thought for a moment and then a slightly wicked look crossed his face. “You didn't mention one of my most rigid expectations,” he said.

“Which is?”

“That you meet my rigid expectation,” he replied, putting my hand on his crotch.

“Trey, you're so crude!” I laughed. “This was supposed to be a serious talk.”

He laughed his gorgeous laugh.

“While you're on that subject, with a house full of family, it may be wise to practice some self restraint this week. We won’t have that side of the house to ourselves I bet.”

“What do you mean by self restraint?” he asked.

“I mean that we shouldn’t fuck while others are in the house. We can get fairly vocal, you know.”

“Tylar,” he said, giving me a sidelong glance, “we’re not going to stop fucking just because there are people in the house—no way. In fact, we’re taking a nap as soon as we get there.”

My stomach flip-flopped. It was almost impossible for us to keep our hands off of each other. A whole week side-by-side would make us crave one another even more.
