Page 29 of Maybe Baby

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"Is that bad?" I whispered, looking up into his sexy blue eyes.

"It's distracting for me," he replied, which told me nothing. All I knew was that whenever he was near, my heart beat faster and my stomach felt queasy and his looksdrove me to distraction.

I could hear my mom’s mocking voice. It was as if she was in the room with us daring me to make the first move; taunting me to let him know what I wanted and then telling me I'd never be anything to him but a rich man's whore.

“Trey,” I whispered hoarsely, “will you fuck me?”


The words were out of my mouth before I realized how vulgar I sounded. It was something that Jenna would have said; it's something that my mother had likely said many times. It seemed like an eternity since I'd asked the question and had yet to receive a response. Perhaps if I continued to mull around these various scenarios I could avoid the obvious, which was that Trey had not responded to my request. I was afraid to look at him. I was now totally humiliated, embarrassed, and ashamed of myself.

“Tylar,” he said softly, “look at me.”

I didn’t want to. If I did, I knew that he would see what I already knew. I was a mess, incapable of being what he wanted, or what any man would ever want for that matter. I was damaged goods, but still a virgin. How'd that happen?

“Look at me,” he said more firmly this time.

I was still on his lap. I'd buried my head against his chest when more than 30 seconds had passed after the invitation for Trey to fuck me had gone unanswered. I reluctantly raised my head from his chest, wiping the tears that had welled up. I looked at him. He gently brushed my cheek with his hand.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on with you?” he asked softly.

“I really don’t know, Trey,” I answered honestly. “Please forget what I just said. I know how trashy that sounded, and I can’t understand what made me behave like this with you,” I sniffled.

“I see,” he replied. “Well I’m not a virgin, Tylar, so I’m not insulted by your proposition, just caught off guard by your bluntness, I suppose.”

I hoped that meant that he'd not found the notion totally distasteful. “I’ve never said that sort of thing to anyone before,” I admitted sheepishly.

“I guessed that,” he replied with a slight smile.

“Can I ask you kind of a personal question, Trey?”

“Ask away, if it’s none of your business I'll let you know."

“Has any other girl—I mean woman—ever been, uh, that blunt with you before?”

“Not in my recent memory,” he admitted chuckling.

Oh that was good; that was the lawyer coming out. Leave room for the possibility it may have happened, there just wasn’t any current recollection. I had another, even more personal question but wasn’t sure how to approach this one.

“Can I ask you another personal question, Trey?”

“Yep but same rules apply."

“Are you and Charlotte, I mean, well, are you…intimate?”

“Why would you even ask a question like that?”

“I know, it’s way personal…all you have to say is that it’s none of my business like we agreed,” I said, blushing.

“No,” he laughed good-naturedly, and continued, “Why would you think I'd want to make love with Charlotte?”

I smiled to myself.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I replied. “Trey, could we forget any of this happened? The truth is I’ve really not been myself since the accident in the pool, not to make an excuse for my behavior.”

He cocked an eyebrow, considering whether I was genuinely contrite, or simply trying to save face since it was obvious he’d declined my brazen request.
