Page 31 of Maybe Baby

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I ran from the porch into the pelting wind and rain. Lightning still flashed all around me. The thunder was deafening to my ears. I struggled against the wet wind to reach the barn. I knew I'd find an answer to all of this once I got to the barn. It seemed to be taking forever to get there. My flip-flops were soaking up the water from puddles like two sponges. My feet felt heavy now. Some of the puddles held water that was ankle deep. How long had it been storming? There hadn’t been a cloud in the sky earlier. I remembered the stars being out when I'd returned from the track. Things could change in a moment’s notice. Nothing was predictable. I needed to find Trey. Something had to be terribly wrong.

I finally managed to make it to the horse barn. I was drenched, my robe and my long silk nightgown clung to my body. I shivered as I pulled the heavy door open and entered the stable. Once inside, I frantically looked around as rivulets of water dripped from my hair onto my face. The stalls were empty. The doors to the stable were closed. There was no way they could have left the barn with the doors shut, unless someone had deliberately let them out. My God, was Trey out there now, trying to get them rounded up and back into the barn?

I raced down the aisle, my soaked flip-flops squeaking with every step. Every stall was empty. This had to have been done on purpose. There was no other possible explanation. Just then I heard a noise from behind me. It was Trey. Thank God! He was completely dry; I wasn’t sure how he'd managed to stay dry in the torrential storm.

“Tylar,” he said angrily, “what are you doing out in this storm? Look at you, you're soaked.” He grabbed one of the horse blankets that hung outside a stall. He handed it to me, instructing me to start drying myself off while he went to get more. He was back in an instant with several more blankets. He laid one out on a pile of straw over in the corner by the door to the tack room.

“Here,” he coaxed softly, “come over here where it's more comfortable.” I did as he instructed. "Tylar we have to get these wet clothes off of you. You'll catch your death of cold.”

He left no room for argument, untying my robe, and removing it from me. He peeled my silk nightgown off followed by my panties. He gave me a blanket to wrap myself in. I felt warm and safe once again.

“How'd it get so cold out?” I asked him. “You’re not even wet.” He didn’t answer me; he just continued to rub the blanket against my skin to get my entire body dry and warm. Finally my shivering stopped. I stretched out on the blanketed straw. He gazed down at me with those gorgeous sapphire eyes. I was dry, warm, and safe with Trey. I discarded the blanket that had been wrapped around me. I wanted Trey to see me as I was. His eyes perused every inch of my body. I saw the hunger in his eyes.

“What are you thinking?” I asked feeling emboldened.

“I’m thinking how good it would feel to fuck you,” he said pointedly.

“What’s stopping you, then?” I was so bold now. He lowered himself down next to me. He reached over and pulled me up into his lap. My legs straddled each side of him. He pulled my face toward his, until our lips met in a searing, hot kiss. I could feel his erection beneath his jeans and reached for it, rubbing my hand against his jeans, feeling it getting larger.

Suddenly he stopped. He lifted me off of his lap and stood.

“We can’t do this, Ty,” he said abruptly. I'd never heard him call me Ty before.

“Why not?”

“I belong to someone else." he said, walking away.

I was consumed with humiliation and shame. What a fucking idiot I'd made of myself. I was suddenly alone, sitting on a blanket, totally naked and rejected. I stood up and wrapped the blanket around my body like a bath towel. I found my soaked flip-flops and slipped them on. Rain or not, I was going back to my cottage and, darkness or not, I was leaving this place.

I stumbled past the door to the tack room. There was a small window in the door, and I could see that Trey wasn't alone. Did I want to know who was in there with him? Did I want to know who he'd left my cottage to meet? I barreled through the door. Trey looked back at me then turned his attention back to the woman standing there in front of him. It was my mother! She looked over at me and smiled. “Hey baby girl.”

“Mom!” I shrieked, horrified. “What are you doing here?”

“Well now what do you think, baby girl?” she purred.

Mom looked at me as Trey stepped in front of her. She had the necklace and pearl drop earrings on. They were in this together! She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his handsome face down to hers. She kissed him long and passionately.

“Pay attention baby girl,” she instructed. “I’m going to show you something that you’ve never managed to learn after all of these years. I’m going to show you how to please a man.”

She dropped to her knees in front of Trey. I heard the sound of his zipper being lowered. I saw my mom tug at him and I heard her soft moans as she began her sensual rhythm of sucking and loving his beautiful cock.

“No!” I screamed. “Stop it, stop it now! Can’t you see what she's doing? Why are you letting her use you to hurt me? Why? Why do you want to hurt me? I can do those things! I can be what she is!”

Trey’s face was suddenly right in front of mine. He looked angry. I'd really pissed him off this time. Maybe he was still angry with me racing Jezebel. He started shaking me roughly.

“I promise I won’t ride anymore. Just stop, please. Trey please just stop…”

“Tylar!” He was screaming now.

He had my face cupped in his hands. His hands were wet as they gently rubbed my face. The room was light. The electricity had come back on. My window A/C unit was humming again; the air was cool. There was no more lightning and thunder.

“Did the rain stop?” I asked. “Why are your hands wet?”

I realized then that my face had tears running down both cheeks. His hands were wet from my tears. He looked so alarmed.

“Tylar you had me scared shitless!” He was beside me on the bed, pulling me out from under my covers, onto his lap. He was cradling me on his lap, rocking back and forth. “What did she do to you Tylar? Tell me for the love of God, what'd she do to you?”

