Page 56 of Maybe Baby

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We watched a couple more episodes of “I Love Lucy,” which helped bring me out of my funk. I glanced over at the clock, surprised to see it was already 4:30 in the afternoon.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said.

“I’m good with that, but where are we going to go, and how will we get there?”

“Not a problem,” I smiled, getting up from the bed and walking over to Trey’s dresser. I reached on top and grabbed his set of keys to the Lamborghini. “We’ve got wheels.”

“You do realize your hair is still wrapped up in a towel?” Gina pointed out. We laughed.

“I'll be dressed and ready in 15 minutes, how about you?”

“I'll be dressed and ready in 14 minutes, Ms. Preston, see you downstairs!”

I ripped the towel off of my head and headed into Trey’s bathroom, eventually getting a comb through my hair. I pulled it up into a high, skinny ponytail, brushed my teeth and then applied tinted lip-gloss.

Back in my room, I dressed in a pair of my new low-slung red shorts and a white half-tee. I grabbed a pair of flip-flops. I'd no clue where my purse was, hoping that my cell phone was still in it. Heading downstairs, Gina was in the entry hall ready and waiting.

“Your purse is on the hall table there,” she said, nodding her head in that direction.

“Well some good news for a change,” I remarked. I dangled the Lamborghini key chain at her and grinned. “Let’s go!”

We were giggling the whole way across the side yard to the five-car garage. I pressed a couple of different buttons on the remote hanging on the key chain and eventually a garage door opened. There was Trey’s shiny black sports car. Gina had brought some of my CDs from my room so we’d had some good music for our adventure. I pressed another button and the doors unlocked.

“Wow,” Gina exclaimed, “check it out, sweet black rims on this baby!”

She grabbed a couple of black baseball caps that were hanging on a hook in the garage. They had the Lamborghini logo on the front. She tossed one over to me.

“Here, let’s put these on because that convertible top is coming down.”

We slid into the car; I was in the driver’s seat.

“Uh oh,” I exclaimed.

“What uh oh?”

“I can’t drive a manual transmission,” I wailed.

“It’s the standard H-box six speed,” she responded, as if there was nothing to it.

“You can drive this then?” I asked.

“Hell yes, this thing is like zero to 60 in what, four seconds?”

“Less, three point two,” I corrected her.

We both got out and switched places. “Fasten your seat belts,” Gina instructed, “and prepare for takeoff.” She fired the car up, pushing the button to put the convertible top down. Gina backed the car out carefully onto the concrete drive. She shifted into first gear, and gave it plenty of gas.

“And we’re off!” she hollered, the wind catching our breath.

The day was beautiful for a drive, sunny and clear. She pulled the car out onto the two-lane highway, and sped off towards Bristol. It felt so invigorating to be out on the open highway, in a car that everyone gawked at, that rode like a dream. The controls were all on the steering wheel. Gina quickly found the one for the stereo system and hit the CD button. Instantly classical music blasted from the speakers.

“What the fuck is this?” Gina asked. She pressed another button from ‘mission control’ and the CD ejected. She read the title aloud, “Debussy’s Greatest Hits conducted by English Chamber Orchestra”? I don’t think so,” she laughed, pitching the CD out of the convertible.

“What are you doing?” I shrieked. “That’s Trey’s. Now I’m going to have to replace it!”

“Let non-girlfriend Charlotte replace it,” she said. “It’s a given he didn’t buy it to seduce you now did he? I could be wrong, but I can’t see you getting into all of the vampirey music shit.”

“Vampirey's not a word!” I retorted. “You do see the irony in what you just said having gotten a Vampire’s Kiss pierced on your freakin’ neck, right?”
