Page 65 of Maybe Baby

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“I’m sorry,” he said gently, pulling me to him. I pushed him away.

“Trey, I can’t deal with this!”

“But this is something you can’t simply ignore. It looks like your mother's committed a felony act. Yet Sneed isn’t convinced any criminal activity took place. We need to establish that your signature was forged in order to start the process with the local prosecutor in that county. Timing was a factor in all of this, I’m convinced.”

“How do we do that?” I asked.

“We’ll go to Kentucky. You’ll need to confirm the signature as a forgery, and then file a formal complaint with the Prosecutor’s office.”

“But we don’t even know where she is.”

“That’s why you need to go to your home and assess the situation there. Talk to neighbors, her friends, anyone who might shed some light.”

“So you’d go with me?” I asked.

“I told you I would, Tylar,” he replied. “I have the next couple of days free into early next week. I booked a flight for us tomorrow morning.”

“But I’m supposed to leave Friday night to fly to Atlanta to spend a few days with Gina,” I whined.

“Really, Tylar?”

Trey was right. This needed to take priority. I'd call Gina and let her know. Maybe the trip could be rescheduled. Gina would understand.

“I’ll call Gina tomorrow morning,” I replied. “I’m sure she can rebook my flight.”

“Okay, then. Please get some rest. Are you sure you won’t stay with me at the house tonight?”

“I really don’t feel like changing, packing, and all of that right now. In case you hadn’t noticed, Trey, I’m a little drunk?”

“I noticed, Tylar,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

“I have some things to tell you Trey, but I don’t want to get into it all tonight, okay?”

“Okay,” he said. “I’m going to sleep on your couch, though, and no argument, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed.

I got a pillow and a sheet for him and went to my room, cranked my window A/C, and was asleep within minutes.


Trey nudged me awake while it was still dark outside. He'd made coffee, poured a glass of orange juice, and toasted a bagel for me. I was hung-over and grumbling. He told me he didn’t want to hear it; it was my own fault. I choked the bagel down and drank my juice, then went to freshen up. While I was in the shower, Trey brought an outfit into the bathroom for me.

I dressed hurriedly and packed the clothes that he'd laid out for me. This was record time for me to be ready to travel on a moment’s notice. Trey hustled me out, locking my cottage behind us.

“What time's our flight?” I asked as we walked down the still-dark path past the stables to the manor.

“Seven-thirty. The limo will be here in 30 minutes. Get a move on it; I’ve still got to pack.”

Once the limo picked us up, I snuggled up against Trey and fell back to sleep. It seemed like two minutes later we were taking our first-class seats on the commercial flight to Louisville. The flight was relatively short, but we were given top-notch treatment.

The flight attendants continually gushed over Trey, offering him more coffee, juice, whatever. I was annoyed with their fawning over him but I didn’t want to be obvious so I closed my eyes as if sleeping and ended up draped across him during most of the flight. The flight attendant made sure to come by during our initial descent into Louisville instructing Trey that I needed to be in my assigned seat, with my seat belt fastened during landing.

“Wake up, Tylar,” he said softly. “We’re getting ready to land in a few minutes. Let’s get you buckled up in your seat.” He buckled my seat belt as I opened my eyes, catching the attention of the flight attendant who'd been flirting with Trey the duration of the flight. I gave her a silent smirk.

Once landed, we picked up the rental car, a Lexus SUV, and Trey drove us to the Crowne Plaza Hotel near the airport. After we'd settled into our room, I called Gina, letting her know there'd been a change in plans. She said she'd would call the airlines and change my flight. We decided the weekend of my birthday, July 14, would work. Gina was actually more excited about moving my visit so she could plan a celebration at the Sanctuary.

Our first stop was at the law offices of Findley, Morris & Sneed, L.L.P. In all of the years my mother had worked there, I'd never seen it. It was a two-story red brick building, located several blocks from the courthouse on the outskirts of the downtown area. Trey had evidently called ahead; Mr. Sneed was expecting us.
