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He liked the sound of Esme being his better half, as if they shared a true partnership. To Brandon’s credit, he cut back on the flirting, and the remainder of the lunch was actually enjoyable.

How could she make everything better—even the relationship with his brother that had been antagonistic as long as he could remember?

He hadn’t given much thought to how he’d contributed to the animosity between them, but as he watched Esme laugh at Brandon’s wild stories and running litany of jokes, Ryder saw his sibling in a new light.

Maybe there was more to Brandon than the shallow, slick, skirt-chasing role he seemed to embody like a second skin. He was fun and funny, and he had a way of making people feel comfortable that didn’t come naturally to Ryder.

Although they were barely old enough to have personalities, he could already see differences between Chase and Noah. Noah might share DNA with Esme, but he was an observer like Ryder, often studying the world around him with his brows furrowed like he needed to make sense of every aspect.

On the other hand, Chase liked to pump his arms and legs as if he couldn’t wait to start moving and shaking.

Ryder would do his best to encourage both boys to be their best selves and each other’s staunchest ally. Maybe he would have learned to laugh more if his dad had given him and Brandon that gift.

“It was great to meet you,” Brandon told Esme as they rose from the table after the dishes had been cleared and the check paid. He thwacked Ryder on the shoulder. “Always a pleasure, bro. Take all the time you need away from the office.” He winked. “That’ll give me the time I need to ensure I’m chosen as Dad’s successor. Don’t worry though... I’m going to be a great boss. You’ll love working for me.”

Brandon grinned as he made the pledge, but Ryder didn’t see the humor in it. He was about to offer a stinging retort when he felt Esme place a gentle hand on his back.

“I imagine the two of you will do great things working together,” she said with a pointed look at his brother.

“Right,” Brandon agreed, winking again. Did he have something in his damn eye? “That’s what I meant to say. I’ll talk to you soon, Ry. Esme, that offer for a ride is always open.”

Ryder narrowed his eyes and resisted the urge to growl low in his throat as his brother sauntered away. He followed Esme out of the restaurant and down the stairs, unsure whether he wanted to throttle Brandon or try to repair their relationship. Both felt like viable options.

“Here’s the plaque you mentioned.” Esme stopped in front of the small memorial to the fifty miners who’d died in the tragic accident years earlier. “It bothers me that my grandfather’s greed caused something like this. Growing up, we didn’t hear much about him or Uncle Elias. I never gave either of them much thought. When Freya talks about my great-uncle, it’s obvious how much she loved him. I don’t know that anything my generation can do to contribute to the Chatelaine community will right the wrongs of the past.”

He took her hand. “That isn’t your responsibility, and I believe everything you do makes the world a better place.”

The golden flecks in her green eyes shimmered as she smiled at him. “You’re too nice, Ryder.”

He barked out a laugh. “No one has ever accused me of that before.”

They continued toward the parking lot, and Chase began to fuss as they latched the car seats to their bases in the back seat, while Noah had fallen asleep in his.

Esme smoothed a hand over Chase’s cheek and then offered him a pacifier, which quieted him. “I think Chase is going to be our social butterfly.” She settled herself in the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt. “It’s funny how those two can be so much alike yet have their own distinct personalities. It was nice to meet your brother today.”

“Do you want to go out with him?” The question popped out before Ryder could stop it.

Esme laughed like he was making a joke. “Oh, sure. That’s a good one.”

“I’m serious,” he said, focusing on the road before him as he pulled out of the LC Club parking lot. “I guess I am too serious. You laughed a lot with Brandon. I liked hearing it.”

“Your brother is entertaining.”

“He’s fun,” Ryder admitted gruffly. “I should be more fun.” He glanced over when she didn’t immediately answer. “It’s fine if you want to take a ride with him. Driving his Porsche roadster is the definition of fun.”

“Not my definition,” she said softly. “I don’t want to go out with your brother.”

Her tone sounded like he’d hurt her feelings, which was the last thing he wanted.

He gripped the steering wheel more tightly. “I just meant—”

“Do you know what fun is to me?” she asked, adjusting the seat belt so she could turn toward him. “Having an extra ten minutes to finish a chapter in the amazing book I’m reading because you offered to put the boys down for their nap. Or when one of them hits a milestone, and we’re both there to see it.”

“How about when Noah realized he could get his toe into his mouth for the first time like it was the greatest discovery in the history of man or baby?”

Her grin warmed his heart.

“Yes, that’s what I find fun, Ryder. I liked getting to know your brother, and I’m excited, although a bit nervous, to meet your dad. But please don’t make me part of whatever ongoing competition the two of you have. From this outsider’s perspective, it’s clear that you each have something different to bring to the CEO position. I’m sure it’s going to be a difficult decision for your father, but no matter who he chooses, you and Brandon will still need to work together.”
