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Poulsbo, WA present day - I am enjoying a lovely stroll on the shores of Liberty Bay…OK, I’m drunk off my ass and stumbling along, while the geoducks[1] spit streams of salty water up my skirt, causing me to squeal. Don’t worry, it’s 3 AM and almost all the lights from the houses and buildings are off. I am walking on the sand near the waterfront park and almost to the end of the beachfront when I started getting cold and thought I should walk back to my car. It is down at the bar on Front Street where I had been partying. The tide is coming in and in my drunken haze I realize I need to get back to the walking path.

Why am I so drunk? Don’t judge, but it’s my 21st birthday and I was going to party. But then, I caught my asshole now former boyfriend making out with my now former best friend. What the hell? His excuse? I flirt too much and Carissa was just soothing his pride. I said fuck him and his lying and cheating ways. Oh, and trying to gaslight me?...Yeah, fuck that, too. I love flirting and the attention that good looking men give me. Alright, I need the attention of good-looking men. But that is its own issue. If Larson had wanted an open relationship, then all he needed to do was ask me and I would have probably agreed, I am not that stuck on monogamy, but he was all like, “You are my one and only.” So…OK…but I wanted to dance and he never does. Like the old song says, I may dance with a lot of guys, but I never forgot who I was going home with. And he cheated with my best friend! He had his hand on her boobs and neither of them were THAT drunk. We had been at that club for only an hour or, maybe, an hour and a half. Anyway, I left and came to this bar in downtown Poulsbo, WA.

So, there I was, no boyfriend or bestie to celebrate with. I just started talking to every good looker and got several to buy me a drink. I had to use my slippery, girly tricks to get away from a few sailors from NSB Bangor, thought I would go down on them for a frothy, boozy drink, but no thank you... Not happening. I quit doing that when Larson said he wouldn’t go down on me because it wasn’t “sanitary” …really? Well then, I guess he didn’t want to have that special loving for Mr. Happy, because he wasn’t that good in bed. Truly, I don’t think he knew that there was this thing called a “clit”. All he knew is stick his rod into my hole, pump a few times, grunt, and say, “Ah Babe, that was so good for me, how about for you?” To which, I usually lied to save his ego. He seemed to be really good boyfriend material. He took me out to good restaurants, at first. He would compliment me and tell me I was pretty every day, for the first few weeks. We had been dating for five months and I was thinking that he might be “the one”, but I may have been fooling myself. Really, he was starting to bore me, but he had been hinting that maybe we should think of a more serious relationship. I was intrigued. I had never dated for longer than a few weeks before I found myself telling the nice guy that I didn’t think it was going to work out. So, five months was a lifetime for me… Now, I am glad I was done with Larson, his flat ass, stupid jokes and greasy hair… OK, that may be the booze talking.

I just turned 21 and it was my first time legally drinking hard liquors. I had had the occasional glass of wine… Grandmama said it was important that ladies be able to drink fine wine with their meals and so when I turned 16, my training began. I could tell with a taste the brand, year, and grape. It was OK but I wasn’t a big wine drinker, especially after trying a Jager shot at a Frat party over at UW.

While I had tasted different beverages at parties throughout Puget Sound, I never had as much as I had had this particular night. Those sailors…Oh, excuse me, submariners, are really fun to party with at this bar on the waterfront in Poulsbo. But when last call came, I didn’t want to go home with any of the men that were there. I firmly told them I was going to go meet my friends at the beach and thanks for the great night. A few tried, but I was able to move out without them.

So, here I am wandering the waterfront, almost in the water. I was cutting through the trees when I feel a prick on the neck… “What the Fuck?”… I howl as I turn to see a creepy looking guy looking at me then I began to collapse and my world goes black.

Chapter One


My twin and I are becoming more frustrated with the Marine Commander that the Galactic Federation has placed on our ship. It was bad enough that we were close to the border of an unauthorized, highly, illegal solar system. My orders are to let Commander Max determine the course of our destination. The Caeterin commander is driving us crazy with his demands to go to this star system, now head that way. He couldn’t make up his mind, but then he saw the Misagian ship and we were off. The chase was Tan and my department while Commander Max and his marines boarded the enemy ship.

As they boarded, we did not realize that we would have to scramble ships to go after the escape pods. Max is cagey like that. Never telling us what the plan was. However, we got most of them, but several escaped us. Next thing Tan and I know, we are trying to find accommodations for several females... Human females… The Misagians were shipping them to a remote outpost to sell as slaves.

The females will have to stay onboard the Patience for the time being. We can not just send them back to C-348 or as Max says the humans refer to it “Earth”. Federation laws state that Earth is a primitive world not ready for the technology of the Galactic Federation. However, human females have become sought after in the illegal slavery markets on the outskirts of Federation space. The council has stated that too many human females are being found in Federation space and we needed to stop those who are violating many of the Galactic Federation’s laws to enslave humans. We needed to find out who is funding these raids to C-348 and stop the abductions.

The chime to my conference room goes off. When Commander Max enters, he places his left fist to his chest in respectful salute to me then a nod to my twin. “Sir, the females are all bunked down in the marine quarters. My males were happy to accommodate them.” I give Max a curt nod as I try not to laugh at my brothers…I am so sure they are happy. Nine females all together.

“At least, you did not disrupt the operation the ship further.” I growl. “You will be fully responsible for these females while they are on my ship.”

“Yes, sir.” He displays confidence “These human females seem like reasonable beings and we rescued them from the Misagian slavers. I am sure they will be no trouble, sir.”

“We will see.” I acknowledge, I am so sure they will be no trouble at all. After all, it isn’t like humans are not gaining a troublesome reputation. A snort coming from Tan. I have to be more circumspect.

“You will need to let them know that while we will be docking at the Council’s station, they will not be able to leave. There have been some abductions of freed humans on Federation space stations in the last few hours. The slavers are getting bold. The council feels that we would do best to keep these females on board until the criminals behind their abductions are stopped or the females are found a secure place to be deposited.”

“Sir, that could take years.” I nod, glad that the commander understands the severity of this situation.

“Yes, Commander, and your Marines will be expected to stay on board until this is resolved to help with the females.” I give him a tight smile.

“Sir, if I may, the females are currently living practically on top of each other in an enlisted bunk. For a few days or weeks this would be fine, but we could be talking months. Is there a way we can spread them out amongst the crew quarters.” he suggests, “There are only seven who need to be placed in other bunks. We can put three in the Marine barracks and then move two each in two cabins within your officer space.” He looks hopeful but I have questions.

He has got a point there, Tet. My brother says in our own manner. I have heard he has housed two of the females; a mother and child.

“Are there not nine females?” I ask.

“Yes, sir. There are, but two of the females are a mother and her youngling.” He confirms, “I have given them my cabin, so they have the needed space. The child is young if a tad precocious.” There is a strange aura coming from him, I sense that there is more…

“In your cabin? Is that appropriate, Commander?” I query. I feel concern coming from him, like he is pondering strong thoughts.

“I think in this case, it is. For the time being, I am staying with my executive officer, Lt. Commander B’Jox.” I look at my brother, Do you feel that, Tan?

Indeed, I think this male is smitten with the human female.”

“Somehow, I think you are not telling me the whole truth, Max. What is going on with you and that female?” I say. We look at him pointedly

“Nothing, Sir,” My eyebrows raise at that “At least, not yet.” He hesitates.

“Go on…” I really want to hear this. My brother agrees.
