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The car turns through high gates and glides to a stop under a wide portico. The driver opens his door, but Teo says something quick and opens his own door. He climbs out, then reaches a hand to pull me across the smooth seat and out. As I catch my balance, he leans back into the car, then steps back and closes the door. The driver’s door closes, and the car eases away.

Teo takes my elbow and guides me into the brightly lit building. We pass a sign that says Altstadt Klinik, and a woman at a reception desk who nods respectfully as we walk by and points down the hall but makes no move to stop us.

Teo seems to know where he’s going. He pushes through a pair of double doors and turns right down a clean, white hall. At the end, he directs me to a chair, then speaks with a nurse behind another tall desk. She answers his questions, and he returns to sit beside me.

“They’ve taken her for an X-ray. They think she might have broken a bone—I don’t know the English word, but this one.” He taps a finger on the outer side of his arm. “Probably a tiny fracture. Maybe a sprain. They’ll know more in a few minutes.”

“We were right behind them—how’d they get her into X-ray so fast?” I broke my arm as a kid, and we sat in a waiting room for what felt like hours.

He shrugs and looks away. “It’s not too busy tonight.”

“This isn’t a regular emergency room.”

“No, it’s not.” He doesn’t say anything further. Is this clinic only for royalty? That would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it? Or maybe it’s for the palace staff, too, but then wouldn’t it be on the palace grounds? I don’t remember driving through the kind of gate we entered last time we visited the palace.

I bite back a laugh at that thought. Look at me, visiting the palace on the regular. It sounds like something from a movie or a fanfic. “Is this your life here?” I wave at the comfortable chairs and pristine surroundings. “Pampered and special?”

His lips tighten. “Sometimes. There are big downsides, too. People recognize you everywhere, and some of them don’t hesitate to interrupt, no matter what you’re doing. And you wouldn’t believe the questions strangers feel entitled to ask when you’re a ‘public figure.’ That’s one of the reasons I love Rotheberg. There, I’m just Teo Feltz.”

This is the closest we’ve come to talking about his strange status. “I get it. It’s weird enough being Blake Stein’s niece. I can’t imagine—” I wave again, not sure what to call him. Is he considered royalty? Or just a celebrity? It feels wrong to ask.

The nurse lifts her head, her gaze coming to us. She says something in a low voice and nods. After a brief conversation—I assume she’s using a wireless earbud—she raises her voice and points at another door. “Sir, you can go in now. Room three.”

Teo rises and takes my hand, pulling me to my feet. He tows me across the room and pushes the door open without releasing me. We stop at a door marked three.

Inside, Lina sits on a comfortable-looking bed, with Hans standing on the far side. She’s wearing a pink hospital gown over her ripped jeans, and her arm is in a black sling. A woman in white shows them something on an iPad, pointing and speaking rapid German. Hans and Lina ask questions, but the words slip through my brain without making an impression.

Teo glances at me, then nudges me toward the couch across from the end of the bed. “Sit down.”

“I’m fine.” I pull away from him and join Hans on the far side of the bed. “Are you okay, Lina?”

She looks up. Her face is pale and pinched, with shadows beneath her eyes. “It’s broken. They’ve given me some painkillers, but they haven’t kicked in yet. They’re going to put a cast on it.”

The doctor tips the tablet toward me and switches to flawless English. “It's in a good location—easy to treat. Once her medication takes effect, we will perform a closed reduction to realign the bone. Very minor adjustments, as you can see here. She’ll need a cast for three to four weeks, then a splint for a little longer. She’ll need a follow-up to remove the cast.” She glances at Teo. “She can be seen here or any other medical facility in the city.”

Teo nods. “Danke, Frau Doktor.” He turns to Lina. “Did you get all of that?”

Lina nods, a goofy smile twitching around the corner of her lips. “Got it all. She speaks French, too.” She says something in that language to the doctor who replies in kind.

Hans meets my gaze and shrugs. “I got nothin’.”

“Your friend’s medication is taking effect.” The doctor pats Lina’s uninjured arm with a tiny smirk. “The team will come get her in a few minutes. The rest of you can wait here.” She says something else in French, then leaves.

I sit on the bed beside Lina. Her silly smile stretches a little wider, and her eyes close. She repeats a phrase in French over and over, giggling, clearly feeling no pain.

The door opens, and a man in blue scrubs enters, followed by a woman in green. “The casting room is ready.” I give Lina an awkward hug and slide off the bed.

Lina’s eyes pop open. “The casting room!” She waves her good arm like a princess on a parade float. “They’re casting me now. I shall be in a movie and make oodles of money! Farewell, my loyal fans!” She continues to wave and blow kisses as they roll her bed out the door.

Hans throws himself down in a large recliner tucked behind the bed. “That was exhausting.”

I drop to the couch. “Funny how someone else getting hurt can make you tired.” I yawn. “I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

“I could use some food.” Hans pats his stomach but doesn’t move from the chair. “I’ll bet Teo could get something delivered.”

Teo frowns at Hans. “I think you’ll survive. You ate a huge meal at the theater less than three hours ago.”

Hans pats his belly again. “I have a high metabolism.”
