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I laugh again. “Thanks, Nica. I can’t believe you ate them. Aren’t you off carbs?”

“I cheat once in a while, and when your dad said they were raisin—those are my favorite.” She grins, then disappears off camera.

Dad gives her a doting smile, then turns back to me. “I hope this is the last prank.”

I flutter my eyelashes and try to look innocent. “How would I know?”

He finally cracks a smile. “That’s a no then. How’s it going there, kiddo?”

I frown. “Why didn’t you tell me Teo Feltz is a freaking royal prince?”

His brows come down. “You didn’t know?”

“Teo? That nice boy who has a crush on Eva?” Nica asks from off camera. “He’s royalty?”

“Yeah.” Dad looks off screen. “His mom—Inge Feltz’s sister is the Grand Duchess of Freiberg.”

“Did she say he has a crush on me?” I demand.

The phone turns, framing Nica’s face. “Oh, yeah. He’s totally smitten.”

“How—when did you—” I splutter.

“At Rachel and Blake’s wedding. It was so obvious. When you flirted with the oompah band boy, he was crushed.”

“Really?” I frown, trying to remember back to August. My life in Oregon feels so far removed from my life here. Teo had been tending bar and brought me a virgin mojito. We watched the dancing, then Hans showed up. As I walked away, Hans told Teo he thought I was hot—I remember what a thrill it had given me at the time. Now I can’t believe I was excited over what Hans thought of me. But Teo… “You think he likes me?”

Nica gives me a matter-of-fact look. “Honey, he is head over heels.”

Dad takes the phone back. “To be honest, I’d kind of forgotten about the royalty thing. It’s like being related to the Kennedys. You kind of go, ‘hm, that’s interesting,’ and get back to real life.”

“Kind of like being related to Blake Stein?” Now that I think about it, I’m not sure how many of my college friends know my uncle is a country star. Or if any of them would care if I told them.

“Exactly.” He points at me. “Not a big deal. Unless you’re in Nashville, I guess.”

“Or Freiberg.”

“Yup.” He gives me a shrewd look. “Why does it matter?”

“Because he lied about it.”

“Did he?”

“Well, not actively. But he didn’t tell me. If he’s actually interested in me, wouldn’t he have mentioned it?”

“I will defer to the expert on this one.” Dad hands the phone to Nica.

“I’m hardly a royalty expert.” She glances off screen toward Dad. “Or a dating expert. Okay, I’m way more expert than you.” She looks at me again. “That’s what we’re talking about, right? Dating?”

I bite my lip. “Not yet?”

Nica squints at me. “Do you have feelings for this man?”

I nod.

“Like I said, he’s obviously into you. If he hasn’t made a move, there must be a reason. I’ve read some royal romances. Maybe he’s not allowed to date commoners?”

I cringe. That word sounds so judgmental. “His mother married one, so I don’t think that’s the case. And he invited me to a big thing at the palace.”
