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Henrik’s head bobs up and down furiously as he helps me out of the dress. “Preach, sister.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I put on my tuxedo and pin my Order of the Golden Wreath to my chest. I earned it “in service to the crown and state” for expanding our export opportunities. Although the medal is kind of gaudy, I’m proud of it. It’s a decoration I got for doing something, versus for being a royal. I have several of the latter but only wear them when the Grand Duchess insists. Like in the parade last week.

I check out my reflection in the full-length antique mirror that matches my bedroom furniture. The tuxedo is definitely more dignified than the pseudo-military uniform I had to wear in the parade. That thing looks like a designer took the worst attributes of every military uniform in the world and combined them. It has huge lapels, big padded epaulets, a wide green sash, blue stripes down the leg, and a red hat that looks like a British Beefeater’s, but not as cool.

As if anyone ever described a Beefeater’s hat as cool. That’s how bad my hat looks. But thankfully, I don’t have to wear it tonight.

I straighten my cuffs and give my reflection a wink, then groan—I look like a cheesy actor in a bad ’90s television intro. Luckily no one else saw it. And at least I didn’t do finger guns.

I turn to see Andela standing in the open doorway. As if in response to my unspoken thought, she points both her index fingers at me and clicks her tongue, then does one of those overblown, open-mouthed stage winks. “Back atcha, big bro.”

I groan again.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell Eva you’re practicing to be a used car salesman.” She smooths a hand over her full white skirt. The pale dress acts as a stunning foil for her hair. A tiara with dozens of diamonds and a single, huge emerald glints among strands ranging from pale seafoam to dark jade. “You look nice.”

“You look pretty good, too.”

She lifts her chin. “Your praise is overwhelming.” She spins, the skirt belling out around her. “I look like a fairy-tale princess. As ordered.”

“Did you get orders?”

“Auntie Karolina said I need to look demure. I think she got wind of this.” She points at her hair.

“If you mean Eddie showed her Insta pictures, then yeah, she got wind of it.” I slip my phone from my inside jacket pocket and show her a text from our cousin.

“That little rat.”

“He’s jealous of our autonomy, you know.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he has to ruin it for us.” Andela turns down the hall. “Are you going to escort your sister and her friends to the ball?”

“Of course. Hang on.” I cross the room and knock on the door to the adjoining room. “Hans, you ready?”

The door opens, revealing Hans in his own tuxedo. He’s brushed his newly dark hair back from his face.

“You went back to your natural color?” Andela steps closer and pokes a finger into Hans’s stiff hair. “How much gel did you use?”

“Enough.” He pushes her hand away from his head. “I’m sure your hair is just as soft and touchable as mine.”

Andela mimes knocking on her hair with one hand, the other rapping the doorframe to produce a hollow sound. “You know it.”

I snap a picture as Hans attempts to poke Andela’s hair, then shoo them toward the door. “Where are Eva and Lina?”

Andela swirls around and leads the way down the hall. “They’re waiting to make an entrance. That’s part of the whole princess movie schtick, you know.” She pauses at the top of the steps. “Get down there in the foyer so they can enjoy the moment.”

Surprised at her thoughtfulness, I lean in to kiss my sister’s cheek. “You’re a good friend. It would never occur to Victoriana to stage a grand entrance for someone else.”

Andela smirks a little sadly. “Don’t I know it.” How many times did Andela not get to make a grand entrance because her elder cousin took the spotlight?

Hans and I clatter down the steps to the foyer. We don’t have to wait long. Andela appears at the top of the steps. She holds her fist to her mouth and blows a fanfare. “Introducing Lady Evalina D’Aramitz of Belgium.”

Hans sucks in an audible breath when Lina appears, wearing jewel-toned blue. Her cast is wrapped in matching fabric, and she wears a long, fingerless glove of the same material on the other arm. A crown of sapphires and diamonds nestles in her blonde hair. The strands are braided and twisted into almost floral shapes. As she rounds the corner of the landing, she pauses and does the princess wave, with her palm toward her face. “My people!” Then she blows kisses with both hands. Her full skirt swishes against the balustrade as she starts down the long final flight.

“You look amazing, Lina!” Hans stumbles forward and takes her hand as she reaches the lowest step.
