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“The redhead, I think.” I nod like a bobble head, as if the emphasis will make the information more believable. “From what I gathered, she set up a package deal for the two sisters. The blonde gets Eduard and the sister for Teo. Apparently, they’re very close.” I end the sentence on an upswing—the whole thing is hard for me to believe.

Lina snorts. “I love my sister, but I don’t love her that much.”

Eduard has continued trying to bait Teo. “—summer palace in Italy. And a sports car. I could have had all of that if you’d just gone along with the announcement.”

“Are you telling me the unofficial engagement is off?” Teo sounds surprised.

“It was a package deal. You blew it for both of us.”

“I wasn’t going to lie to her. And I certainly won’t marry a woman I don’t love. If you’re willing to tie yourself to her just to get those things—” His hand tightens around mine. “I feel sorry for you.”

Eduard notices the tiny gesture, his gaze snapping to our joined hands. A wild longing sparks in his eyes, then is banished by his usual gloating sneer. “Love? That’s a fairy tale for the little people. To keep them happy and working.” The phrase sounds like a quote.

“Do you really believe that?” A wash of pity flows through me as I ask. “I feel sorry for you.”

Eduard straightens his spine. “I don’t need your pity, American girl. Get out! My mother told you to leave. Don’t come back.” His gaze sweeps over all of us, then settles back on Teo. “Any of you.”

Anger burns in my chest, replacing the pity. Who treats their own cousin like that? “Fine. Good luck with your life, Your Royal Arrogance.” I spin on my heel and stalk across the floor, pulling Teo with me to the huge entry doors, now closed against the icy night.

“Don’t do that.” I look back to see Eduard shaking a finger at us.

“You just told us to leave. We’re leaving.” I wave a hand overhead as I stomp away. “G’bye.”

Teo squeezes my hand. “Eva, wait. Let’s go?—”

“Nope, not gonna happen. I don’t care who he is. I don’t have to play his stupid games.” I reach the tall, carved doors and grab the enormous bronze handle, pulling hard. It swings easily, almost dropping me on my butt.

Two guards stationed outside the ornate doors spin, dropping into defensive crouches, their hands going to the weapons holstered at their sides. The one on the right draws his pistol. “HALT!”

I jolt back, my shoulders slamming into Teo’s chest. My jaw drops open, and my hands instinctively swing in front of my face. “Don’t shoot!” My throat tightens and my chest seizes.

I’ve seen guns pointed at people on shows and movies a million times, but I am totally unprepared for the pure terror that slams through me. My heart stops, then pounds into triple time, and my guts liquify. The gaping mouth of the pistol looks large enough to swallow me whole.

“Wegtreten!” The word fires out of Teo’s mouth like a missile.

The two guards take another step back, and the huge muzzle droops toward the floor. “Sir?”

Eduard shakes his head as he strolls across the room toward us. “I told you not to go that way.” The whiny tone grates on my shattered nerves.

The man on the right spots His Supreme Dukiness and points the gun toward me again. “Auf die Knie! Hände auf den Kopf!”

My brain has seized and refuses to understand the words. “What?” I ask, but no sound comes out of my mouth.

“Stop!” Teo pushes me behind him, shielding me from both the guards and the approaching royal. “It was a misunderstanding. She’s not doing anything.”

Eduard waves a hand at the guard and says something in German.

The guard replies, but I can’t hear anything through the buzzing in my ears. Eduard shakes his head. The man bows and steps back to his post, still watching Teo and me.

Eduard turns to us and switches to English. “You need to teach your girl better manners, cousin. I’m out.” He stomps away.

The guards holster their weapons but watch us with narrowed eyes as they pull the heavy doors closed. They thud into place with an echoing finality.

“Why don’t they lock that if they don’t want people going out?” My voice is shaky, and my cheeks burn. I’m breathing hard and feeling kind of lightheaded.

Teo puts an arm around me and guides me across the room to a stone bench. “Are you okay? Do you want to sit down? You’re shaking.”

Lina pulls me down on the bench and hands me a tissue.
