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“Perfect.” Sliding out from under his arm, I transfer my shoes to the hand holding my skirt and take his hand in my free one to step off the path. The snow is cold, but the ground underfoot is much smoother against my feet.

Lina giggles. “Ooh, fun!” She runs across the grass.

“Slow down, Lina!” Hans struggles to keep up as he holds the back of her skirt above the snow.

“His shoes are going to get trashed.” I kick my feet through the snow, flicking the crystals into the light from the house behind us.

“He took them off.” Teo looks down at his shoes. “I could, too?”

I bump his side with my shoulder. “Only if you want to. We don’t all have to be crazy. Someone has to keep the train running on time.”

He stops, then bends over to untie his shoe. “I’m through being the responsible one. At least for tonight.”

I wait while he removes his socks and shoes and rolls up his pants, not teasing him about his conscientious effort to keep his tuxedo safe from the snow. Baby steps, right? Then we dance through the snow together to Rosenhäuschen.

Chapter Thirty-Five


By the time we reach the back door, my feet are freezing. Spontaneity might look appealing from the outside, but I’d prefer to keep my extremities free from frostbite.

Also, the back door is locked.

I call Andela. “Can you let us in?”

Her voice sounds odd, but her tone is light. “Sure. Be right down.”

She appears at the kitchen door a few minutes later, wrapped in a thick robe and fuzzy slippers. Her hair is still piled on top of her head, but her face is free of makeup. Her eyes are a little puffy, and she sounds stuffed up. “Come in, travelers. Sorry I took the car.”

I drop my shoes on the stand in the mud room, then wrap my arms around her and hug her tight. “Thanks for standing up for me, Sis. You’ve always been the brave one, but that was next level.”

She shrugs but buries her face in my chest. Her shoulders shake, and she lets out a few soft sobs, then straightens her back and pulls away. The damp spot on my shirt is the only evidence of her brief cry—except her eyes which were already red-rimmed. “Someone’s gotta look out for my big brother. Did you…?” She peers over my shoulder.

“He told her off!” Eva’s tone is wondering and triumphant at the same time.

“I didn’t really tell her off. But I said no.” I start to shiver. “Can we talk about this after we get warm?”

Andela backs toward the kitchen. “Sure. There are robes in your rooms, and I tried not to hog the hot water. Get showered and changed. Come down when you’re done, and I’ll have some cocoa ready.”

When I reach the kitchen, warm, dry, and wrapped in my fleece robe, Andi is alone. She slouches at the table, a mug steaming gently beside her as she scrolls through her phone. A big thermal pot sits in the center of the heavy wood table, next to a plate of cookies and a handful of mugs.

“Are those raisin or chocolate chip?” I take a seat and pour myself a mug of cocoa.

“Chocolate chip. I don’t know anyone who needs that kind of trust issue.”

I chuckle. “Did Eva tell you about that prank?”

“What prank?” Hans wanders in. “Ooh, are those raisin?”

“What kind of monster do you think I am?” Andela puts her phone down.

Hans’s face falls. “But I like raisin oatmeal.” He takes a cookie. “Chocolate chip are good, too. Did you make these, Andi?” He bites and chews. “Nice work.”

I push his shoulder. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Hans.”

He swallows. “Some compliments should not wait.” He looks expectantly at Andi.

“Yeah, I made them. You can’t really buy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies in Freiberg. Plus, I like to bake sometimes. It’s one of the reasons I have my own place.” She frowns. “Not that I need reasons anymore.”
