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He chuckles. “Blake gave me heck for that.”

“He has always been my favorite uncle.”

“Isn’t he your only uncle?” Teo asks.

Dad and I laugh. “Yup.”

We load the suitcases into Subie-Doo and climb in. After a stop at Dutch Bros for hot chocolate, we head across the high desert toward the mountains. The moon is a tiny sliver, and a brilliant blanket of stars covers the sky. As we drive down the deserted two-lane highway, a faint dusting of new flakes blowing across the snow-packed lanes, I tell Dad the story of my arrival in Germany.

“I can’t believe this is the first I’m hearing about my daughter being detained by the police.” Dad throws a shocked look at me as we head down the dark highway.

“Teo rescued me.” I smile at him in the back seat. “And I didn’t want to stress you out. Plus, by the time we talked, I had so much to tell you. Then later, it seemed kind of—you know how lack of sleep makes everything seem kind of hazy and dream-like? By the time I thought to mention it, it didn’t seem important.”

“Next time you get arrested, I’d like to know.”

“I wasn’t arrested, just detained.”


Teo clears his throat. “Twice.”

I glare at him. “Really?”

The car slows a little as Dad takes his attention off the road. “You were arrested—I mean detained a second time?”

“No. I told you about the Gala—and the guards. There wasn’t anything else. I’m a model citizen.”

He shakes his head ruefully. “I guess my sign was spot on. My daughter, the felon.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, that’s me.” I turn to look at Teo. “Speaking of which—have you had your Freiberg citizenship stripped?”

Teo chokes and bites his lip. “No. I haven’t been banned. My mom talked the Grand Duchess down. They were on the phone for a couple of hours according to my father. I haven’t even been removed from the succession, although she threatened. And to be honest, I’d be okay with that. Prefer it even. Although she’s unofficially banned me from Rosenhäuschen, unless Victoriana invites me. She can’t legally keep me from staying there as Victoriana’s guest, but I’m not going to make any waves. I’m not planning on going back to Freiberg any time soon.”

My breath catches in my throat. The way he said it sounds like he’s made some decisions about his future. “What are you planning on doing?”

He glances at the back of my father’s head, but Dad is focused on the road. I’m sure he’s also listening, but he’s trying to give us some space—as much space as you can get in an old Subaru.

Teo reaches between the seats to squeeze my hand. “We probably need to discuss that.”

We top a little hill, and the lights of Rotheberg break the darkness of the high desert. The town is nestled between the Three Sisters mountains and Copper Butte. Every building in the five-block downtown core is brightly lit by white twinkle lights. Dad pulls off the road at our favorite viewpoint and parks the car. “You two want to look at the lights?”

Teo gets out and opens my door.

“You coming, Dad?”

“I think I’ll stay here. It’s cold out there.” He gives a dramatic shiver.

I laugh and push his shoulder. “All right, old man. I’ll remind you of that statement next time you suggest camping in negative temperatures.”

“Go talk to Teo.” He tips his seat back a bit and closes his eyes. “And close the door. You’re letting the heat out.”

I get out and slam the door, loud enough to make him wince. “Sorry.”

He waves me away.

A nervous tremor runs down my spine. This stop to look at the lights—something my Dad and I have done countless times—feels momentous. I pick my way across the tiny parking area—more of a wide pullout, really—to where Teo stands by a rough post and rail fence.

He pulls me close when I reach him and turns me to face the lights with him. “I asked your dad to stop.”
