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“How do you feel about that?”

“What? Brooklyn working as a broadcast journalist? I think she’d be great.”

“I mean Brooklyn being stuck in the city most of the week.”

That wouldn’t be much of a change. The last few weeks, I’ve spent half my time at Brooklyn’s. “Actually, she’ll probably be on the road a lot if she takes the job.”

“And you’re okay with that?” Ali asks.

“If that’s what she wants to do.”

“What about what you want?”

“I learned a while ago to worry less about what I want and focus on what I know.”

“Which is?”

“This is Brooklyn’s career, Ali. She has a life beyond our relationship. She loves to travel. If this is what she wants, I support her.”

“It doesn’t bother you? At all?”

“It’s hard. I miss her when we’re apart.” We haven’t been apart much since we got together. I don’t look forward to periods without her. I also will never hold her back. Loving Brooklyn is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I continue to learn about making our relationship work. I do know that holding her back is the fast track to letting her go. I have no intention of losing our relationship—not if there is anything I can do to hold us together.

“Don’t you worry about the distance?” Ali wonders.

“If she’s going to leave me, she will leave me faster by me holding her back.”

“Maybe you should marry her.”

I snort. We’ve only been a couple for a month. “I don’t think Brooklyn is looking for that kind of proposal.”

“What about you?”

“If Brooklyn wants to get married someday, I’ll be happy to oblige. If not? That’s fine too.”

“That settles it. She’s an alien.”


“Brooklyn. She’s an alien. You’re a replacement human.”

“You need to stop reading sci-fi kink.”

“Cute. Are you seriously telling me that you’re okay with all of this?”

“No. I’m not. I hate when she’s away. I love her enough to support her.”

“You’re whipped.”

“What is it with you and kink?”

Ali smacks me. Hard. “I’ll bet you have plenty of kink in your life.”

Talk about an imagination. Ali assumes because Brooklyn is young, she’s a bit crazy in the bedroom. I don’t share details about that part of our relationship with anyone, not even Ali. I let her imagination run wild. I know how I look at Brooklyn. I know how Brooklyn looks at me. I feel it more than anyone on the outside can see it. I could say that making love is a small part of our time together. That would be accurate if importance were determined by a number of minutes or hours. Making love is part of the way we communicate. It’s always passionate and loving. The more time we spend together, the more I begin to understand that challenging each other is part of what holds us together. Challenges require and build trust. While I will never share tales of my adventures with Brooklyn in the bedroom, shower, living room, or kitchen with my best friend, I won’t deny the adventure is occasionally kinky. “Jealous?”

“Hell, yes, I am.”

“You need to find someone,” I tell my best friend.
