Page 85 of Ruthless Saint

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“Please what?”

“I want you.”

“Not good enough.” I pump all three fingers steadily as her legs begin to shake around me.

“Dante,” she gasps as my cock brushes dangerously close to where my fingers pump inside her.

“Say it, Alessa.”


“Please, what?” I demand, my body on fire from the sheer need to be inside her.

She whips her head from side to side, breathing shallowly.

“I need you. I need you inside me,” she gasps as her walls clench around my fingers. With my dick I rub her clit, precum seeping straight onto her swollen nub.

With just a few strokes of my aching cock she moans my name, convulsing around my fingers.

Her mouth parts in a silent scream as a blush spreads across her chest, up her neck and onto her cheeks. Now that I can see her come, my face no longer between her legs, I’m mesmerised by how beautiful she looks. All spent and satisfied.

I never really took the time before to watch the women I’ve been with, and I never really cared enough, except for making sure they left me satisfied. But with Alessa, I don’t want to miss a thing. Every single second counts, every little twitch of her fingers, every gasp, every moan, every arch of her body, every tremble beneath mine.

It’s like something tells me to take notice, to make sure I remember everything. A sense of urgency comes over me. I cannot wait. I don’t want to wait anymore. I need to be—

“I need you inside me.” Alessa’s whisper brings me back to her. Pulling my fingers out of her, I swallow, moving my body, shaking with need, over her. The need to be inside her blurring my vision. Her small hand brushes against my hair, shaking slightly.

I try to hold myself back, knowing the gravity of what we’re about to do. Knowing that I’m the first man she willingly lets claim her. The first. The last. And the only. I’ll make it my mission to erase anyone else from her mind.

When her legs spread wider, opening up for me, I align myself with her entrance, a drop of sweat making a trail down the side of my face from the exertion of stopping myself from just slamming into her.

“Are you sure?” I ask, the head of my cock pressing against her heat.

“More than anything,” she replies, pulling the strands of my hair until my face is inches from hers. “Kiss me while you do it,” she pleads quietly. I’d do anything for her in this moment, anything she’d ask me to. And kissing? That’s no hardship.

Pressing my lips against hers, I let her guide me in the kiss, opening when her tongue licks at the seam, meeting her slow stroke for slow stroke as she nips at my lower lip and then kisses the sting away. Her arms and legs lock around my body, pulling me closer, and I have to strain not to push inside her.

My arms are shaking, muscles strain, when I feel her ankles press against my back. The pressure gentle but firm. I could drop to my knees and pray in gratitude if I wasn’t about to sheath myself inside her. I press firmer against her opening, her pussy resisting the intrusion despite how wet and ready she is.

Moving my tongue faster, I speed up the rhythm, no longer letting her dictate the kiss. Her arms tighten on a moan and finally, I push inside her, groaning at the feel of her around me.

“Cristo, così stretta1. So tight, baby. So fucking tight,” I moan in between kisses as I push further in. She tenses around me. Her legs shaking. “It’s okay. Relax.” I stop halfway inside. “Just listen to the song,” I whisper against her lips as the song that’s been playing on repeat reaches the chorus. “Do you hear it?”

“Yes,” she says, her breaths shallow.

“Listen carefully.”

She closes her eyes, unmoving.

“Nothing’s gonna hurt you, baby,” I whisper into her hair. “It’ll all be alright.”

She swallows before her eyes open and meet mine full force, the emotion in them making my heart flutter in my chest. I try to say everything I’m feeling with mine, trying to make sense of the jumble inside my head, my heart. Then her lips lift into a small smile, and the jumble becomes clear. Clear as a fucking sunny day in the Bahamas. How could I have been so blind all this time? If my mother were still alive, she’d have laughed at how blind I have been to my feelings. And she would have loved her.

Alessa bites her bottom lip and presses her heels against my back, pushing me all the way in. And just like that, all thoughts disappear. It’s just me and her, connected. Gasping for air at the feeling of absolute bliss. How could I miss something I’ve never experienced before? How is it possible that all my life I have missed this? Being inside her, feeling her body pressed to mine.

Her eyes never leave mine as she whispers, “Do you feel it?”

I nod, unable to speak. I know exactly what she means. As my hips start to move, our gazes never waver from each other. The spell she has on me unfolding, whirling until it consumes me and I’m no longer my own man. I’m hers. All hers. And she is—
