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I’d had sex with Gabriel Stryker. And I only remembered a fraction of it.

A pity, truly, because this monumental of an event would never ever happen again. It had hardly happened this time, because if you can’t remember it, it doesn’t count. Monumental was clearly the wrong descriptor. Fluke was much better because it was no big deal and totally dismissible.

I could mimic this kind of afterglow with a vibrator, and have none of the regret.

I snatched my clothes and dressed as quickly as possible. Halfway to making myself presentable—bottoms on only—he moved.

I snapped my bra on and reached for my shirt on the bed.

“What time is it?” Gabriel asked, voice deliciously raspy.

“Dark time. How should I know? Do I look like a clock to you?”

I pulled on my shirt and felt way more in control of the situation.

“Layana,” he said, suddenly sounding very sober and very awake. “Why am I naked? Did we?—”

“Yes. It appears so. Don’t make a big deal about it though, okay?” I said as calmly as possible.

“We had sex and you think it’snot a big deal?”He rolled up to a sitting position, winced, and grabbed his head.

I didn’t say I thought it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to play it like it wasn’t, and that’d be a lot easier if he did the same. I turned toward the window like there was something to see out there instead of more darkness. “We’re stuck with each other, right? Trapped indefinitely in this snowy situation? Let’s not make it any more complicated than it needs to be. Nothing has changed.”

I could hear him moving around, probably getting himself dressed. Light filled the room from one of the lamps. Then I could feel him approach. It was like my entire body was now in tune with his movements, and whispers of excitement carried over my skin as he grew nearer.

I didn’t want to be excited. I didn’t want to feel anything.

“The other alternative is I go out into the night with a spoon from the restaurant, and attempt to burrow my way to Boarsville where your uncle’s waiting,” I said. My nerves made my fingers tremble. “Maybe we’ll go shopping together. I can help him pick a nice gift for his wife before he drives me back to civilization and reality.”

Gabriel stopped in his tracks,notjoining me by the window. “Look at me.”

I didn’t want to.

“Layana.” He stepped closer. I could feel him right behind me, still not touching, but so close we could if either of us reached out.

“Agree that it means nothing,” I said, refusing to turn around, refusing to acknowledge any other possibility.


A phone rang from across the room. Based on the fact that I could feel mine in my pocket, I knew it had to be his.

“You’d better answer that,” I snapped.

He waited another two rings before I heard him move.

“What?” he answered the phone with the same coldness I felt carry across the air. “How long?”

I ignored him and took the opportunity to go into the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face.

If I couldn’t remember, it didn’t happen, I told myself again. Except I did remember quite a bit.

Fine. If it happened under the influence of alcohol, it didn’t count. At least that one couldn’t unravel itself.

I toweled off my face and gathered my toiletries. Better to be prepared to leave. What was the alternative? Letting our soaps intermingle? No. Boundaries had to go back into place, strict rules for both of our sakes.

I felt him move into the doorway behind me.

“The roads will be cleared imminently,” he said.
