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I maneuvered the car to the other side of the main road, pulling into a series of slanted spaces outside a park. A colorful stone fountain spouted water from spotlit flowers into a glowing pool below. What would have been a garden path circled the fountain and led to an awning. The shadow standing under the awning would be none other than Phil.

I unlocked my phone and opened the recording app. I started the app and shoved it into my pocket. With my heart stuttering in my chest, I took a few deep breaths.

It didn’t feel right to sneak off without telling anyone where I was going. But I knew if I left any messages, I would be interrupted. I didn’t want that to happen.

Phil was dense and stubborn, but he was a human being. He had a sense of reason.

Or so I hoped.

My vision zeroed in on the shadow as I stepped out of the car. I huddled into the hoodie, inhaling the remaining scent of Liam from the cotton fabric. Surrounded by his essence, I felt like I could do just about anything.

Ten more steps put me in front of the awning. I stared at the shadow, feeling like this was my reckoning. This was where my life would change, for better or worse. I shoved my hand into my pockets, curling my fingers around my phone and stiffening when the shadow turned to me.

He appeared at the top of the short stairs, face partially illuminated by the fountain’s light. “You came. I didn’t think you would.”

“We have a lot to talk about.”

“Say you’ll come back. I won’t ever hurt you again.”

Liar. I bit my tongue as I pulled my phone from my pocket and held it loosely at my side. He didn’t try to reach for me. That was a good start.

I sighed. “I don’t know if I can trust your word, Phil. Every promise you’ve made in the past has been broken.”

“I just have a drinking problem. You know that. Alcohol makes me forget.”

“It makes you do a lot of things.”

He stepped down from the awning, standing a few feet away from me. “You’re right, baby. It messes me up. It makes me do crazy shit.”

He’s on the right track. I just have to steer him toward the apartment fire. “So many crazy things, Phil. It’s hard to be near you when you’re like that.”

“I know. I don’t mean it.”

“The hitting? The yelling? You don’t mean those things?”

He nodded while taking another step toward me. “That’s right, baby. I’m sorry.”

“And the fire?”

He held up his hands like he was giving up. “I was just angry.”

“So angry that you were okay with me and Memphis burning up?”

“That’s not true, Anita.”

I took a step back. “I can’t believe you tried to kill me.”

“I didn’t try tokillyou. I was just showing you what happens when you ignore me.”

This was the part where he would lunge for me.

I ducked left as he launched toward me and swung his left arm. Cool air swept my cheek as I slid past him, unharmed. I whirled around to face him, shoving my phone in my pocket so I could take a defensive stance, the same one Liam had taught me.

My ex-boyfriend frantically spun around, the fountain lighting up his outline and making him appear as a phantom in the night. As he had been on so many nights when he’d haunted my dreams.

But not anymore.

I held up both fists, glaring at him over my knuckles. “You’re right, Phil. Youdohave a record. And it’s a wonder that no one has pressed charges against you for all your crimes.”
