Page 24 of Craving Morgan

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I’m sorry.Please give me another chance.

Morgan crumpled the note.Would the man never cease?This was going too far.She was putting a stop to this once and for all.

“Get rid of the flowers.”

“What?” Jessica blinked, shocked.

“You heard me.Toss them out and cancel the rest of my meetings for today.” She turned on her heel and marched back down the hall, the sound of her heels being softened by the carpeted floor.

“Where are you going?” Jessica called after her.

“To tell someone off once and for all.”

Morgan got in her car and drove across town to Jameson’s station.She didn’t bother calling ahead to check.Where else would he be?

She parked in a visitor parking spot and marched inside.The deputy at the front desk looked up at her entrance, but she didn’t wait.She knew exactly where to go.

“Ma’am, wait,” they called after her.

“I’m going to see Detective Jameson Weston.He’s expecting me,” she called over her shoulder, not slowing her pace.She was too irritated right now.

Between his stationing himself outside her house at night and his declarations of wanting to get back together, and now flowers, it was too much.He should know her better than to smother her with this kind of attention.This was not the way to get her back.

Morgan rode the elevator up to the third floor and went to Jameson’s desk.He was sitting there leaning over his desk and looking at a case file.Not surprising.

“Jameson,” she snapped as she approached him.

Several heads turned and people stopped what they were doing when she marched up to

him.Jameson’s head jerked in her direction when she called out to him.

He closed the case file and stood at her approach.“Morgan, what are you doing here?”

As if he didn’t know she’d come to him after being sent that ridiculous amount of flowers.“Telling you to leave me alone once and for all.”

“Can we discuss this in private?” He looked around the room, Morgan was uncaring about their audience.Let them hear her tell him off for the last time.

“No, because I don’t plan on being here long.I just came to tell you to back off and stop with this plan to get back together.It is not happening now or ever.It would be a cold day in hell before I took you back.”

“Morgan, this is a conversation to be had in private.I think we should go somewhere else to talk,” he said in a stern voice.His eyes stayed locked on hers as if he’d forgotten about their audience already.

“I don’t care what you want.I’m telling you what I want.You out of my life for good.I don’t want you back.I don’t want the headache and heartache again that you put me through.I should come first in a relationship,” she snarled, pointing at herself.“Not last or after this case,” she tilted her head to the left, “or after that one.” Her head tilted to the right.“First and always.That’s why I left you.You didn’t care enough about me, and you damn well don’t now.” Feeling she had said her piece, she turned on her heel before spinning back around.“Oh, and another thing.Stop sending me flowers.”

“Sending you flowers?” he questioned, looking confused.

Morgan rolled her eyes.Out of all the things she had just said, that’s what he was hung up on?“Did you forget that you sent me dozens of roses, lavender, and lilies just this afternoon?”

“No.” Then why was he playing dumb a second ago?“Because I never did.”What?“You don’t like their smell.It gives you a headache.”

“But—” Morgan stopped talking because she didn’t know what to say.It made sense.Jameson had brought her the daffodils and baby’s breath.He’d remembered her favorite flowers.Their light fragrance she liked.Roses could be overpowering as were the other flowers that had been delivered.

She’d just assumed the flowers and the apology note had come from him.Another tool to get her back.Now that she had a moment to ponder it, and by Jameson’s confused look, she knew they hadn’t.

Jameson stepped around his desk and stopped in front of her.Then he leaned back against his desk.“Should I be worried someone else is sending you flowers?”

There was only one other person she could think of who would send them.Simon.He had been trying to apologize for his behavior during dinner.“No, it was a client.I’m sorry.” She had the grace to know when she was wrong and admit it.

Jameson didn’t look happy about her confession.“Why is a client sending you flowers?And why would you assume they came from me?”
