Page 3 of Craving Morgan

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Chapter 2

Jameson stood under the oak tree across from Morgan’s apartment building watching her lights go out.He could envision her in her bed.The queen-size bed with a wooden frame and pink and white flower duvet.The only thing feminine in her house, otherwise she preferred neutral colors.

He knew the layout of the building and her apartment like the back of his hand.He’d spent more time there than in his own apartment.Well, until his caseload had grown.Then he’d spent most of his time at the precinct.

His solved-case record was near flawless.Other teams consulted him, even other precincts.He was one of the most sought-after detectives.

He had thought his home life was going just as well until one day when he’d come home and Morgan’s things had been gone.She hadn’t even left a note.He’d tried calling and texting her, but she never got back to him.

Okay, so things at home had been far from perfect.A few times he had forgotten to check in and stayed at the office, but that was no reason to leave him.

Regardless, another case had come up and before he knew it, it had been over a month since he’d last spoken to her.By that point, he figured she didn’t want to speak to him, so he moved on.He buried himself in his work after that.Even more so than before.He didn’t have a reason to come home after that.Nothing was waiting for him there but his bed.He’d learned to get catnaps at his desk chair, and it was pretty comfortable once he bought a new one that leaned back.The precinct was close to several food stops.He had everything he needed right there.

He had been shocked when Brooklyn had shown up at his precinct at Morgan’s insistence.He had assumed she’d washed her hands of him.He hadn’t allowed himself to think about her in a year.Over the past week, he’d started re-evaluating his life.None so more than when Morgan had been kidnapped.

Sadly, it had taken that terrifying moment for him to realize what an idiot he had become.He’d allowed pride to keep him from the woman he loved.He was tired of living his life for his job.He wanted to truly live again.

What was the point in solving all those cases if he had no one to come home to and talk about it?No one to share his life with but a desk and take-out food.

What was he going to do when he was too old to do this?A gentleman he knew on the force had just retired.He had been a hell of a detective.Jameson looked up to him.He worked just as hard as Jameson, but over the past year, he had been working fewer cases to spend more time with his wife and see his grandkids.

Jameson wanted that, and there was only one woman who came to mind that he wanted to grow old with.To stand by his side at his retirement party and enjoy their time together.To watch grandkids running around.

He always thought there would be time for that.He was only in his mid-thirties.He wasn’t over the hill yet.He still had at least another thirty years that he could dedicate to the force unless an accident or something else shortened it.

Morgan’s kidnapping had reminded him that life was too short.He wanted her back.He knew there was still something between them.He’d never fully gotten over her.Jameson still loved her, and he was sure she still loved him.

At least that was what he was hoping.She had trusted him to keep Brooklyn safe.That had to count for something.It was at least a starting point.

Though Morgan wasn’t making it easy on him to try and rekindle anything.She was more prickly than a grizzle bear woken up during hibernation.

He tried being a silent protector for her.Watching her as she walked home.She seemed less than thrilled about that.

Even standing outside watching over her place hadn’t earned him any brownie points.He’d seen her peek outside and see him standing there, but she was not pleased that he was there.

Jameson’s phone rang, pulling him from his thoughts.“Jameson,” he answered without looking at the caller ID.No one ever called him except someone from the office.

“I have a case I need you to look at.Carlisle isn’t making any headway.We could use a fresh pain of eyes.”

Jameson didn’t want to leave, but there was no point in him just standing there looking like a creeper.A man just standing there staring at a building would eventually get noticed, and police would get called on him.Explaining that one would be interesting.

Being a protective shadow wasn’t the way to go about getting her attention.At least good attention.He needed to rethink things.

“I’ll be there shortly.”

Chapter 3

Jameson was in the middle of talking to Carlisle about his case when someone tapped him on the shoulder.“Detective Weston.”

Jameson turned to see a young officer who didn’t look old enough to drink let alone work on the homicide floor looking up at him as if he hung the moon and stars.A lot of young cadets looked up to him like that.As if he were some kind of god.He didn’t think of himself that way.He was just a normal guy who liked to keep the streets safe.There was nothing special about him other than his dedication to the job.“Yes?”

“A prisoner is asking for you.”

“Who?” Though he had a pretty good guess who.

“Detective Lawry.”

“Don’t call him that,” Carlisle growled.“That man is no longer fit it wear the title.”
