Page 30 of Craving Morgan

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“Shhh.” It was her turn to soothe him.“You came.That’s all that matters.” She wrapped her arms that much tighter around him as if she never wanted to let go, and she didn’t.She never wanted to let him go again.

Jameson pulled back slightly to look down at her.Morgan met his gaze.“I would never have forgiven myself if I hadn’t.”

Morgan opened her mouth to tell him how she felt.Words she had regretted not telling him before, when his phone started ringing.‘It’s your wife, better answer.’

Morgan closed her lips and waited for him to answer and tell her he was leaving again.She shut her eyes as more tears threatened to spill.Morgan wanted to demand he ignore the call and stay with her.That she needed him more but knew that she was being selfish.

They never made any declaration of love.They were barely on speaking terms.She felt better now.He could go, and she would finish her bath and go to bed.

She was safe now.Her attacker was gone.Other people on the streets weren’t as lucky as she was.They needed saving too.

‘It’s your wi—’

The ringtone was cut off halfway, but Jameson didn’t answer his phone.He ignored the call and was about to toss the phone in the water with her.

“What are you doing?” She screeched, scrambling away from the phone dangling over the bath tub in front of her.

“Getting rid of my phone,” he said as if it were obvious.

“And trying to kill me.”

“What?” He reared back.“No,” he vehemently denied.

“Water, electronics, and a person in said water.” She pointed at each as she spoke.

Jameson’s eyes widened in realization.“Shit, sorry, I wasn’t thinking.I just wanted my sole focus to be on you.”

“Then just turn the phone off.Replacing your phone is going to suck.It’s just easier to turn it off.The gesture is the same.” She smiled at his fumbling attempt to prove she was more important.It was the thought that counted.

He turned it off and tossed it on her pile of clothes.Morgan’s mouth opened in shock.Never in their time together had he ignored his phone.He answered every time unless he didn’t have a choice, but he always called the person back.He even answered the telemarketer calls almost everyone ignored.

“It could be important.” She didn’t know why she was trying to encourage him to return the call.She had just been lamenting that she wanted all of his attention.

“This is more important.You are more important,” he added, lovingly stroking her hair behind her ear.

The last of her anger melted like snow in the spring.He had chosen her over his work.“I love you,” she rushed out.Too late to take it back, not that she wanted to.She had meant to ease into it instead of blurting, but now it was out there.The words had been burning on her tongue, and she had to get them out before anything else could happen.

Jameson stared at her frozen.She knew she had shocked him.Morgan had been so adamant she didn’t like him and to leave her alone when she actually wanted the opposite.It had been so lonely the past year without him.Even when he was gone more than he was home, she could always feel his presence.When he was home, he was dedicated to her.

The past year she’d had no one but Brooklyn.While she loved her best friend, it wasn’t enough to fill that void Jameson had left.A void that had started to be filled over the past few weeks.Even when Jameson annoyed her by checking in with her and watching her place, she secretly loved it.

Morgan was about to repeat herself when Jameson launched at her, clasping her face between his hands and pulling her in for a kiss.That was too tame of a word for what he did.More like devoured her like a starved man and she was a banquet.

“I love you.God, do I love you, Morgan,” Jameson rasped against her lips before reclaiming them.

Morgan wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer.Water sloshed over the side of the tub, but neither cared.

Jameson’s tongue thrust into her mouth, Morgan readily opened for him, meeting him in the middle.Their tongues danced and dueled.Morgan’s neck arched back as Jameson rose, never separating his lips from hers to climb into the tub with her, fully dressed.

Morgan laughed at him as more water sloshed over the side, her shakes already forgotten.Jameson’s shirt was soaked, clinging to him like a second skin and emphasizing his male physique.

The material around his biceps strained as he pulled her forward and over his lap.“What’s so funny?”

Morgan’s tub was not equipped to handle two people, but she was willing to make it work.She was eager to reacquaint herself with Jameson.It had been over a year since she had been with a man.

“You got in the tub fully dressed.”

Jameson sensing her plight leaned against the back of the tub, his legs stretched in front of him.Morgan straddled his thighs, her knees wedged between his thighs and the porcelain.
