Page 54 of Craving Morgan

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“Lawry was their biggest lead, and he was taken care of already.Banner left clues, but since I never saw his evidence, I don’t know how much he revealed.We still have a shot to shut this down before it goes any further.If we are going to act, it must be soon.”

“And my son?”

“He shot me to protect the woman.He’s lost to us now, sir.He traded loyalty.”

Gregory took a puff of his cigar and seemed to mull over what to do next.“So be it.” It was a loss, but his son had never proven himself loyal to him.Simon had always gone his own way.“We’ll send a team to take care of my son before he tells all where I am hiding.”

“No,” Caterina said coming into the room.One thing her father hated was ease droppers.“I’ll take care of it.”

“This doesn’t concern you, Caterina.”

“On the contrary, my brother failed, your assassin failed,” Caterina’s gaze raked over Shaw with all the disdain she felt for the man.They had never liked each other.She was her father’s preferred choice for everything.He was just a hired gun who sought her father’s approval and saw her as competition.“But I’ve never failed you.I’ll take care of Simon and the woman.”

Gregory sat back in his chair, taking a long pull of his cigar looking thoughtful.Caterina stood unmoving as she waited for his verdict, though she already knew what his answer would be.She always

“Very well, make it quick.I’m tired of this hiding.”

Caterina nodded at her father and turned to leave avoiding Shaw’s death glares burrowing into her retreating back.Let him stare.Little did he know she had no intention of killing her brother or the woman.

Simon was sweet and good.He could be a ruthless businessman, but he wasn’t the killer their father was.No matter how much their father tried to corrupt him.She had to find a way to stop her father, she just didn’t know how.Yet.Volunteering for the job had been an excuse to buy time until she did.
