Page 74 of Two is a Pattern

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“After my finals, I hope,” she said.

“I told you I wouldn’t interfere with your classes, and I am a man of my word,” he said. “I like what you’re learning out there, Annie. It’s useful. It’s practical.”

“How so?”

“There’s more to interrogations than gathering information and analyzing it to get to the truth. You’re getting to see it in action. What you find saves lives. And we’ll be saving lives together for many years to come.”

She picked up her duffel and her purse. “I need a ride back to the airport,” she said.

“Very well. Shirley will have security at the gates call you a cab.” As she opened his office door, he added, “See you around, FBI Agent Weaver.”

Shirley looked at her and reached for the phone.

* * *

She called Helen from the airport. She hadn’t intended to, but she had so much time to kill before her flight after she’d gotten something to eat. She’d bought a magazine and flipped through every page. Bought a fresh book of crossword puzzles and filled out three before she wandered to a pay phone and dropped in a quarter.

It rang three times before Helen answered with an out-of-breath “hello.” Christmas music played in the background.

“Hi,” she said. “It’s Annie.”

“Oh!” she said. “You got home safely!”

“Yeah, I did.”

After a boarding announcement, Helen asked, “Where are you?”

“I’m at the airport again. My brother’s flight is late coming in.”

“I’m glad you phoned. The school called. They said they’ll have a room ready for you by the first of the year. They left a number. You got a pen?”

A reward for doing Frank’s bidding, no doubt.

“Oh,” she said. “Hang on.” She pulled her pen out from the book of crosswords and flipped the book over. “Go on.” She jotted it down on the glossy back cover, the ink already smudging.

“They said they wanted you to return their call. I didn’t feel like it was my place to tell them you didn’t want it.”


“You don’t, right?” Helen asked softly. “I know things were up in the air when we talked about it, but you really do fit in here, and the kids like you. So if you want to stay, please stay, Annie.”

“You don’t think it’s a bad idea?”

“It’s certainly your choice,” Helen said. “But we want you to stay.”

“I’ll call them back after Christmas. No one will be in the office now anyway.”

“Okay. Hey, while I’ve got you, why don’t you give me the number of your parents’ house? In case we need to get ahold of you.”

“Sure. But I wouldn’t call today. We’re all here waiting on Danny.”

“Of course. I should let you get back to your family. Why don’t you call me when you get back home? The kids’ll be in bed by then.”

“Yeah,” Annie said. “I can do that.”

“Talk to you later.”

“Bye.” Annie hung up the phone and picked it up again. Dropped in another quarter and punched in the number. “Mom? Yeah, it’s me. My flight is just about to board. It should be on time. Dad will be there to meet me?”
