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That thought landed like a lead weight in my mind, and there it stayed. I tried to shake it off, but it strengthened as I followed her into the elevator.

She was my employee. I was a solid professional at all times. So why was I battling more than the usual lust when I looked at her?

“What’s the plan?” she asked after I waved the card over the panel to send the elevator to the top floor.

“Dinner,” I blurted.

The word was intended to blast past the thoughts in my head. Thoughts of stripping off that goofy sweater and everything beneath it. Thoughts of shoving her up against this wall and kissing her until she was left breathless.

She was staring at me. Studying me. If she thought she could figure me out, she was sorely mistaken. All my life, people had tried to crack this tough outer shell.

“I meant work-wise,” Sammie finally said. “Do we have any work stuff to do tonight?”

God, she was gorgeous. How long had it been since I had a woman in my bed? Nearly a year at this point. It was no wonder I couldn’t keep my head on straight where this strawberry blonde was concerned.

“Dinner’s at six,” I said, staring up at the elevator panel, watching as it counted up the floors. “My buddy’s giving us thelowdown. So we have a little time to rest and get cleaned up before.”

Cleaned up? What did that even mean? I personally planned to shower and put on slightly more casual clothes. I hoped she planned to lose the goofy Christmas sweater. Judging by the garment bag she’d toted along with her, I was guessing she planned on at least a couple of changes.

Changes. Peeling off that sweater and unbuttoning that white Oxford shirt. Was she wearing a bra beneath? Or were her nipples directly brushing against the cotton fabric, teasing them as I’d like to do with my fingers…my tongue?

With a politeding, the elevator doors slid open and Sammie gave a nod, then stepped through. “Sounds good.”

She didn’t even glance back at me as she took off down the hallway, seeming to know where we were going. She guessed right, if it was just a guess. She stopped in front of the suite marked 1205 and waited as I approached.

I liked a woman who knew where she was going.

“I’ll probably take a shower,” Sammie said as I waved the keycard in front of the pad. “I won’t wash my hair. I just need a quick refresh.”

It took everything I had to hold onto that card. Thoughts suddenly flooded my mind—images of Sammie Benson, naked in a shower as water flowed over her body, skimming every inch of her. Suddenly, I was in those thoughts, coming up behind her and running my hands over her body, sliding my fingers into her enticingly warm, wet pussy—

“—time do you want me?”

I paused, hand on the doorknob, and looked back at her. I’d zoned out for whatever she’d said before those words. All I knew now was she was asking what time I wanted her. And I wanted to answer, “Now.” I wanted to answer it with all my heart.

Instead, I said, “It takes all of five minutes to get down there in the elevator. Take your time. Let me know if you need anything.”

With that, I shoved the door inward and rushed inside, my tote bag slamming hard against my hip as I walked. I should hang back and hold the door open for her, but right now, my goal was to put some space between us. Otherwise, I’d probably lose what restraint I still had.

And the last thing I needed to do was take advantage of one of my employees. Not when I was so close to having everything I’d ever wanted.



Four-and-a-half hours in the car alone with Asher Layne had me hot and bothered. And now he was on the other side of that wall, probably taking a nap or pounding the keys on his laptop. Whatever he was doing, he wasn’t thinking about me.

And I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

As I stood under the shower spray, my mind drifted to the way he’d looked at me in the elevator. For a heart-stopping second, I’d been sure he’d been about to kiss me. Instead, he’d shifted his attention to the elevator panel and ran like I was chasing him when we got to this room.

But the intensity I’d glimpsed in his eyes was straight out of my fantasies. No man had ever looked at me like that before. The thought of a man like Asher Layne wanting me made me…

After a quick peek through the glass shower door, I turned back toward the water. Both hands went to my nipples and I closed my eyes, picturing Asher standing behind me in this very shower. His chest would press against me as his hands skimmed my breasts. When his body moved toward mine, I’dfeel his erection against my backside and know just how much he wanted me.

My right hand drifted down, over my belly and toward my aching core. I pictured Asher exploring my body, discovering just how wet I was for him. Only for him.

A sound briefly escaped me as I ran my finger over my swollen clit. Warm shower water blended with the moisture there, making me even slicker. My knees felt weak and I longed to have Asher behind me, holding me in place. I’d reach back and hold onto him for balance and support, throwing my head back against his shoulder. I’d hear his breath, feel his chest rise and fall as he anchored me in place—
