Page 35 of Wild Oat Milk

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“Definesniffing around,” Gunnar commands, as he holds Viv closer. “Because I’m not abandoning my fucking kid, and I’ve given my word to Jemma that I’ll provide any support she needs.”

Dad’s eyebrows twitch, and he almost looks impressed for a half-second. “I mean she’s young, with her whole life ahead of her, and she doesn’t need a man in his mid-life staking a claim on her. You’ve done enough damage already,” he says. “Is she in love with you? Because, if she is, you had better make her stop.”

“Dad.” I throw the nearest cushion at him. “None of this is your business.”

“I agree,” Gunnar says quietly. “But if it eases your mind, David, Jemma’s already declared herself disinterested in shacking up with the likes of me. I believe falling in love with me is likely the last thing she wants, and I won’t be encouraging herto change her mind. Had I known she was this young, I wouldn’t have gotten involved.”

Anger surges within me, and I stomp my foot. “Stop talking like I’m not here. Like I have no say in my own life.” I march across the room and relieve Gunnar of our baby. “I don’t love you, and I don’t ever intend to. Loving people only leads to bullshit like that.” I point at Dad. “I’m not going to do that to Viv. Ever. So don’t even try, with your pretty face and helpful ways, making it look so tempting and easy. I won’t fall into that trap. You can be Viv’s dad, but you’ll never be my man. I don’t want one, and I won’t ever want to depend on you. I fly solo on purpose, and if I need a dick, there are plenty of casual fish in the sea to keep me satisfied without you trying to yank on my line and leaving my heartstrings busted or tangled.”

I turn back to my father. “You’ve ruined any fantasy notions of love I was ever going to have, so don’t worry about me being stupid enough to be swept up in some useless, pathetic romance with Gunnar or anyone else. And you don’t have any right to command my life, after what you’ve put me through. I will do whatever, andwhomeverI want.”

“Except him.” Dad nods at Gunnar. “Because he will respect what’s at stake.”

“Except me,” Gunnar agrees. “Because you assumed I was prowling after Jem, but I’m actually already seeing someone.”

My heart trips on his words, feeling bruised and heavy when it beats. “You are?” I ask.

He lowers his head and nods, clearly ashamed for his flirtatious behavior earlier. “It’s sort of new, but she’s sweet, and… more age appropriate,” he says, practically kicking me while I’m down, which is stupid, because I meant everything I just said to him and Dad.

I don’t love Gunnar Scott, and I don’t ever want to.

Especially now.

“Well, there you have it, then,” I say. “I’m sick of looking at you both, so I’m going home. Don’t either of you expect to see me again for at least a week. I need a fucking break.”

I kiss my father on the head. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, but I’m going to hold you to your word that you’ll get intensive with the doctors and considerallthe options this time, because as mad as I am that Gunnar came over here”— I hit him with an extremely displeased look — “against my expressed wishes,” I growl, “I’m glad he did. I don’t know how much longer I could have gone on like this. Now we all know where everybody else stands, and that’s perfect. Thank you, Gunnar, for making everythingabundantlyclear.”

He looks from my father, to me, and then to Viv. His shoulders visibly rise with his breath, but he doesn’t say another word. He presses his lips together, nods, and leaves.

And being walked out on feels as bad as it always does.



Ilied to the mother of my child.

I told her there was someone else. Like I’ve been able to get her out of my head since the night we made Viv together.

Dishonesty should never be the right path, and yet, lying was the right thing to do. Her father is right. She was vulnerable then, and she’s still vulnerable. I need to protect her, not pervert her.

She played up a cavalier attitude about her finding other casual fish in the sea, but from the look on her face, she was pissed when I said there was someone else.

Probably because before her dad called out, I’d been about three seconds from sucking at her tits, to see what she tastes like.

A moan rumbles through me, and I barely get inside my cabin, before I’m stripping out of my clothes, to fall on my bed and fuck my hand.

I squeeze lube into my palm, and then push into my clenched fist, making it feel as tight around my cock as Jem had been. This has been my daily fucking grind for a year. My guilty pleasure — fantasizing about blowing my load in her young cunt and waiting for her belly to swell with my growing seed.

The fantasy has gotten even more frequent since I found out I really did fucking breed her.

I release my cock and press my palms to my thighs, gripping them hard while I catch my breath. I shouldn’t be entertaining these thoughts. She doesn’t want romance and there’ll be no happy ending to our story, but I can’t help what I feel. I wish I could stop. I shouldn’t want Jem’s smart mouth and sweet, fertile young pussy.

She made me a perfect little angel, and I fucking cry when I think about what might have happened if I never found out about our baby girl. Already, Viv’s a huge part of my heart; she and Jem both are. My girls.

I hold the image of them in my mind — Viv at Jem’s breast.

The memory of her sweet scent makes my balls ache. I moan and shake my head, mentally moving the baby to her crib, to sleep, so I can imagine myself taking her place at Jem’s pretty, milk-swollen tits.
