Page 55 of Wild Oat Milk

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He gathers me into his arms and carries me upstairs, to my bathroom, where he showers the grape soda from my skin, but barely rinses his cum from between my legs.

I’m laid out on my bed, kissed and cherished, and rubbed down like a hard-working animal after a long day in the field.

“Tell me I can fuck you in your sleep,” he whispers in my ear, as my eyes grow too heavy for me to keep open. “Tell me I don’t have to wait until the morning to be inside you again.”

A lazy smile graces my lips. “I’m all yours, Daddy. Take good care of me.”



“Ilove it here,” Jem says with a pretty sigh, tilting her head back to enjoy the evening sun on her face, as she bounces Viv on her knee.

My smile is automatic. “I’m glad.” I clear the last of the suppertime cheese platter from the outdoor table, since her dads went home and we seem to be done with everything but the grapes. David and Gabe quite like our mountain home too, and they come for dinner at least once a week. Sometimes more, which Jem always seems surprised about.

Obviously her dads have more work to do, if they’re going to convince her how much she really means to them. They miss her like crazy, now that she’s not right next door to them, but the young woman who felt alone and rejected will need more time before she can trust the truth.

The fact that they make the effort to visit so often is starting to convince her though, and I’d never ask them to come less often. A girl needs her father. Or fathers. Family to protect her and make her feel safe and capable and special.

I return my gaze to Viv, so chubby and happy. Well cared for. Our little girl is getting bigger. She’s walking on her own these day, and I love to see her cruising around the garden, using therock walls of the raised beds, to keep her balance when she’s stealing strawberries.

I take a grape from the cheese platter, bite it in half, so it’s not so big she could choke on it, and offer her one of the pieces, while I eat the other. She takes it from me with a grin, her eyes sparkling.

“Thank you?” I suggest.

“Takoo, Daddoo,” she says, showing me how fucking smart she is before shoving the grape in her mouth with a flat hand. It falls out, and she stares at it on the ground, her lower lip pouting. She looks up at me with moist eyes as she points at it.

“It’s okay, Sweet Pea. Look.” I hold up another grape, bite it in half, and feed it to her directly.

Sadness forgotten, she sucks at it and grins at me again. She’s so fucking cute, I can’t help grinning back.

“You are so bleeping sexy when youdadour kid, Gunnar Scott.” Jem shifts in her seat and opens her mouth for a grape of her own.

“Did you just usedadas a verb?” I chuckle and bite a grape, to share with her too. I could give her a whole one, but I like this better. I push it between her barely parted lips, and she suckles at my finger, before I pull it away.

I stroke her soft skin where her cropped Metallica T-shirt leaves her sexy-as-fuck growing bump on display, and then squeeze her hip in a more aggressive and suggestive way. “Better watch yourself, or I’ll bleepingdaddyyou so hard, I’ll turn that baby in your belly into twins.”

Jem laughs until she snorts. “That’s not how it works.”

“I know, but it’s something I like to think about,” I say with a smile, before I take the food inside and tidy the kitchen.

When I head out again, Jem has Viv asleep at one breast, and her T-shirt is pushed up to reveal her other big, dark nipple. Her hair is shining, her skin is glowing, her gorgeous baby bump ison full display, and the sight of such a fertile goddess, blessing this fucking garden, makes me want to worship at the shrine between her thighs.

My mouth is fucking watering as I walk over, and I pull my chair right up close, needing a front-row seat to this picture of utter bliss.

Her belly has grown so fast. I fucking love the shape of her, and I’m so grateful I get to partake in the wonder this time. One of my favorite tasks is rubbing cocoa butter all over her stomach, because for some reason, Jem hates the idea of getting more stretch marks. I don’t really understand her issue with them. The faded ones are evidence of how beautifully she carried Viv, and they’re kind of my only connection to that time. She doesn’t believe me when I tell her I love them, but I do.

She’s gained a few stretch marks this time around, and she scowls at every single one when it appears. Obviously, the lotion isn’t fully effective in preventing them, which bugs the hell out of Jem, but I think we both adore the moisturizing ritual, so we keep it up daily, while I secretly celebrate each new pink streak on her skin as it arrives. I can’t feel any other way when they’re basically the physical manifestations of my desires. She’s growing my baby inside her, and I couldn’t be more smitten or obsessed. She’s fucking perfection.

Double-checking the baby’s asleep, I unbutton my jeans and sit with my cock in my hand, stroking it as Jem gives me a knowing smirk.

She spreads her legs, showing me what she’s wearing under her short summer skirt —nothing.

Bare and beautiful, she glistens with arousal, and I grip the hair on my chest the way she sometimes does, and tug as my cock strains in my fist.

“You’re so fucking pretty, Jemma Scott. I can’t believe you let me marry you and fuck you on the daily. You’re bearing mybeautiful babies, making sure they get all your soft goodness too, and we’re all fucking lucky to have you. You know that, don’t you?”

Jem rolls her eyes at me, and I rumble at her, “Tell me you fucking know how special you are, little wife.”
