Page 41 of Infuriated

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“You hate him, I know. How much longer are you going to lie to yourself about that?” The white line in the middle of the road flashes by as the car speeds up, meandering through traffic. “You’re in love with him, Kai. You may not be able to admit it to yourself yet, but I recognize the signs.”

“Yeah?” My voice sounds hoarse, and I’m feeling defeated.

“I have them as well.” The car leaves the bridge and dives back into the heavy traffic, still right behind the white van. “Couldn’t sleep for weeks, because I couldn’t stop thinking of him.” He turns my way. “But D.” He swallows and gives me a sheepish grin. “Like you, I had plenty of reasons not to accept this feeling. I’d just become leader of the Void, he was a guy—even though I’ve always known that I was bi—he might not feel the same for me… But I knew, somewhere inside my gut, that even that was a lie.”

“So, are you, like, together now?” I’m happy for Ro, fuck yeah, I’m happy. But it accelerates this change that I’m so dreading. I’m not ready for my brothers to move on without me. They’ve all got their special person, and I—

“We are.” Ro’s voice twinkles. “And you are too, by the looks of it. Have we ever been the kind of guys who waited our turn patiently? Nah. We’re snipers, man. Impatient, hotheaded sons of bitches. He’s out there, ready to be snatched up by you, brother. Step up, Kai. Take what’s yours. The guy, the job, the penthouse…once we’ve got this mess sorted, we can move on to all the ceremonies, you know what the old generation’s like.”

I snort, but his words hit straight home. “Traditional, much?”

“Oh, stop it, I know you like it.”

Lacking my usual snarky reply, I remain silent, my eyes glued to the van that’s still trying to lose us. “Now, we’re nearly there, I’ve got a loaded Glock in the dashboard.” Opening the compartment in front of me, I take out the black arm, test its weight and shape in my hand, then keep it ready and locked onto my lap. The white van takes a last-minute turn and enters the port, and we manage to do the same, the car wobbling and shrieking as it hits the gravel road.

“One last thing,” Ro says. “This guy, Phoenix. Is he a member of All Saints?”


“Did he want to be on that boat?”

I hesitate. “No.”

“Did he want to push the button during the picnic?”

My eyes widen. “What? How the fuck did you—”

Ro huffs out the irony. “I wouldn’t be a good leader if I didn’t know what threats we were facing, would I? Wouldn’t truly love you guys if I didn't have your back?”

“Dude, you—”

“That guy’s no traitor, Kai. A thief, for sure. A thief of your big, bad-ass heart.” Ro shoots me a wink.

“Oh, fuck you with your cheesy one-liners, man.” I punch him in the shoulder, secretly loving his words. The white van in front of us slows down, and as my hands tighten around the gun, the beating of my heart increases. Ro chortles. “I know, I’m good at that. Now let’s go and get your man.” The van breaks with screeching tires, leaving us in a huge cloud of smoke.

But my feet haven’t even touched the ground, when I hear at least three safety pins unlock. Crouching down with an alarming speed, Ro wriggles himself out of the car via my door, hiding his large frame next to mine.

“Fuck,” I whisper to Ro, my eyes still on the white van. There’s no movement there yet. Ro signals toward the containers at the other side of the car. “They’re there,” he mouths.

“Do you see them?” I whisper-hiss, but he shakes his head. And then we turn into this waiting game we’re so familiar with. Sun burns my eyes and heats my skin, and my muscles start feeling a little sore from the crouching position. Nothing happens, until something does.

“Shall we end this little game?” A smooth voice drawls, its familiar cockiness pissing me off on the spot. “Get up from behind the car. Leave your guns, and put your hands behind your backs.” Ro’s eyes narrow as he sweeps his gaze to mine. “The fuck?”

“Logan? Is that you?” I voice, then I carefully get up, gun still drawn.

“Kai?” Austin calls.

“Let’s clear this place, boys,” Logan barks to his security guys, but it’s my cousin who walks out from behind the container, lowering his Glock as he jogs our way.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” From other hiding spots, Samuel, Logan, and Big appear, all looking as surprised as we are.

“Followingthatcar.” The door of the white van opens, and the muzzle of my gun’s instantly aiming at my target. “They’ve got Phoenix.” A young woman comes out of the car, her hands held in the air, tears streaming down her face. “Who the fuck are you?” I bark at her.

“Please don’t shoot me. Please! I have two children.”

“Clear!” Ro calls from the back of the van.

My eyes shoot from Ro back to the woman. “That’s not possible. That’s not—” I throw the drivers door completely open and peer inside the empty car. “Phoenix? What the hell? Phoenix!”
