Page 47 of Infuriated

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“I can’t afford that.”

“But I can.”


“What does she like?” Ignoring him, I grab my phone.

“Kai—” Phoenix looks up when he’s pulled up his sweatpants. Thoserattypants, might I add. Ugh, we’ll need to go shopping soon. “I can’t just pack up my old life.”

I cross my arms in front of my chest, ready to dare him. “Why not?”

“Because—” He looks around him, searching for answers.

“No, don’t use the penthouse as an argument again.”

“But my—”

“Can’t use your mother either. We’ll look after her, you know we will.”

He sighs, exasperation carved in his expression. “My work—”

“That shitty cleaning job? You don’t need money, I’ve got plenty of it. But if you want it, I can get you any kind of job. You can make your own money, be independent and shit, I get that. But do something you love doing. You’re passionate and talented.”

He presses his lips together, but no words come out.

“You’remine.” I pull his pants down and he gives in, tentatively allowing me to help him to step out of them. “I don’t want you back in that shabby neighorhood.” Pulling the thick blanket back, he crawls back into the bed, his delicate limbs a little cold. He yawns.

“You belong here, with me. With us. Your mom needs help, we can get her into a center, where she’s supported with the right healthcare. Your mom wants food, we can get her all the food she wants. Your mom wants you, we can get her a cab, and she can come and see you as often as she wants. Phoenix, take this opportunity, because it’s yours.” The words leak from my heart and roll out of my mouth, making me feel lighter and stronger with each phrase I throw at him. He lies on his side, head tucked into the crook of my elbow, wide eyes on me. This is what I’ve wanted to tell him for quite some time. “Now, what does your mom like?” I grab my phone and hold it in front of us.

“Pasta,” he mutters after a beat.

“Good. And you?”

He shrugs. “I’m good with anything.”

“No, not like that.Neverlike that.” My frown is stern, and he flinches, only to tilt his chin up ever so slightly. It’s beautiful. But he doesn’t answer, back to his bashful self. “Have you ever had sushi?” I help him. He seems to overthink that, then shakes his head. “Alright, sushi it is.”

Turns out, Phoenix loves Japanese food, much to my delight. Barely an hour later, we hang on the couch, our stomach satisfied by rice and fish.

“Thank you,” he mumbles, and the gentle vibration of his words make my insides all warm. It doesn’t take long for him to drift off, his soft snores resonating through the quiet, empty place. How I want to fill up all this space—as if creating color on a white sheet of paper, turning it into something that we will both love. Phoenix is right, we barely know each other. But fuck me, I don’t wanna wait until I know more of him. I’ve never had the slightest interest in living with a person before, let alone with a guy. And trust me, I’ve known a whole bunch of people.

Phoenix is different.

I grab my phone out of my pocket, and the movement makes him slide sideways. His head lands onto the pillows in the corner of the couch. Grabbing his legs, I drape them over my lap, moving his body into a more comfortable position, while chiding myself for looking at his worn-out clothes too much. That’s all in the past now. Instead I focus on my messages. There’s a whole bunch of them, but the most important comes from my cousin.

Ro: How are you and your guy? Connor knows. Don’t want to barge into your new home, so if you prefer, let’s meet up at the gym and discuss.

Ro: BTW, did he like the magnolia? Charlie gave us a whole bouquet. Apparently they flowered late this year or something.

I bite my lip. Yeah, I’m ready for that talk. Ready to show the boys that this one’s mine. My fingers massage Phoenix’s tender limbs while I check security with Owen. Still can’t believe that my cousin had me shadowed, although at the same time, it’s so like him.

Him and D. Fuck, I’m happy for them.

Once I’m sure that everyone is safe at home and that we’ve got today’s events covered, I text Owen to have someone check on the mother, my fingers never leaving Phoenix’s warm thighs. We’ll need to get her special care. Not because I give a rat’s ass about her, but because he does.

Phoenix stirs. After what he’s been through today, he must be exhausted.Russian Roulette. Those fuckers. But when my caressing fingers slide up further, toward the insides of his thighs, he mumbles in his sleep, and his cock thickens against my fingertips.

“Oh yeah? This is what you want?” Phone discarded in the shortest of seconds, I shift to roll his sweatpants and briefs down, revealing his gorgeous, curved up cock as it stands proudly between us. He writhes against the couch, but doesn’t wake. The tip of his dick is wet, and fuck if that doesn’t make my mouth water. I swipe it around with my thumb, suckle it into my mouth, savoring the salty flavor. And then I form a tight ring around his leaking cock, a perfect toy for him to fuck. “That’s it baby, fuck my hand.” Phoenix whimpers, then opens his eyes, charcoal and toffee blinking dully, clearly unsure of where he is. His hips don’t have the same problem, rocking into my hand like a pro, and then his lips part for the filthiest moan I’ve ever heard. “Look at you being hard for me.” I bend forward, and give his dripping slit a lick that makes him shiver.
