Page 49 of Infuriated

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He grabs my hand and puts it onto my weeping cock, then covers it with his larger, painted one. “Just like the first time,” he grumbles. And then we jerk my cock together while his hips rock mercilessly into me, and against my prostate. Flashes of white spark behind my eyelids, and my body convulses. “Come for me baby,” he rasps into my ear, and pleasure erupts in every cell of my body. My ass spasms around his cock and my cum hits the fence. Kai groans behind me, his rumble vibrating against my tender flesh, while he fucks me through our orgasm, hips pumping even after our spike crests. Only then does his trembling body sag forward and heavy against mine. I keep my legs wrapped around him, not wanting him to pull out yet. Without a single word, and with his hands firmly wrapped around me, he lowers us back into the hot tub, where we stay, panting like we just ran the marathon.

* * *

“There he is!” Kai’s cousin Aaron is already waiting for us when we make our way inside the gym. The place looks more like a bar really, a dim place with no windows and within the middle, a large boxing ring. It reminds me of the X-Ring, but unlike All Saint’s lair, people actually seem to enjoy being here, laughing and punching as they’re going through their practice. Kai’s grip on my waist drops when he returns Aaron’s embrace, leaving me a little cold and very lost. I grab ahold of the bar and don’t let go, while I watch them talk. “Never thought we could live in the same building, but so far away from each other,” Aaron smiles. Their foreheads touch briefly.

“Could have come over.” His cousin snorts at that.

“As if you would have opened for me.” His eyes dart out to me and I shrivel just a little more.

“Ro, this is Phoenix. Phoenix,” Kai faces me. “This is my cousin Ro, one of the leaders of the Void.” We shake hands, his cousin offering me a small smile that I don’t reciprocate. I’m too pent-up to be here, ready to bolt if it gets too much.

He claps Kai on the back. “Nah, it’s all good, man. You’re here now. Come on, everyone’s here.” Everyone meaning Connor Donnelly, the guy I set up.

What if this whole thing is one, big, fucking set-up?

Ro ushers us forward as he keeps on babbling. “Since you’ve been AWOL over the last couple of days, you missed the grand finale with All Saints.” He grins over his shoulder when we make it to a bar area. Tables have already been set out, and members of both families are lounging. My heart leaps in my throat. There are so many of them. The older generation sits in the corner, dressed as if they’re going to church, fancy cocktail glasses clutched in their hands, their eyes on me. Janis Joplin sings about Bobby McGee in the background, and my cotton-filled brain hangs on to those lyrics, to that nostalgia, because it makes me feel a bit safer. Then Kai’s arm snakes around my waist again, firm and warm as he presses me closer to his side, and I take in a shaky breath.

“Hey—” he murmurs, lips pressed against my temple. “Stay with me.” I swallow away rising bile and fear that has no business being here, but it’s hard. It keeps on sneaking back anyway, stubborn and persistent, and… I can’t keep on swallowing it down, because Connor stands up from his spot next to Austin. And his eyes are on me.

“Can you tell me what thefuckis going on here?” He rumbles. The place goes eerily quiet. His glasses fall a little, but it doesn’t do anything to the look in his eyes. I expected it to be furious, hateful even. But if anything, he looks utterly shocked, like he didn’t see this coming. “I knew you were gonna bring this traitor in at some point, but for him to be in your arms? Kai? What’s going on here?” People move swiftly around us, a division already taken place, but when Samuel grabs Charlie and moves toward the other side, he’s stopped by an older man.

“Kai.” My throat constricts when he moves forward, followed by a woman. His mother, without a doubt. Kai’s grip on my waist tightens, but I feel the smile in his voice when he replies. “Mom, Dad.” His mother brushes a hand over his cheek, and the gesture carries so much affection that I need to look away. I haven’t seen my own mom for two days, haven’t been back in the apartment since the kidnapping. She’s been taken care of, and will be taken into rehab shortly, but right now, I miss her like hell. I miss what we never had, because it could have been. Miss what I wanted so badly, but now that it’s right there in my face, ripe for the taking? I’m afraid. Because staying in the shadows is easier, it’s safer, and I’ll be the one hurting myself, instead of someone else.

His mom breaks through my trail of thoughts. “Who’s your friend?” She asks, and I feel her stare on me. It’s glowing with curiosity. I look down at my shiny, new shoes.

“This is my boyfriend, Phoenix.”

“What? Tell me I did not hear what I just heard.” Connor’s freaking out. I’m freaking out.

“Sweetling, wait.Wait!” Austin’s freaking out when he flies out of his seat and jogs after his fiance, who’s coming my way. I try to wriggle myself out of Kai’s grip, need to find cover, but he won’t let me go. Instead he presses me closer, then takes a step forward, shielding me. Austin has reached Connor, and presses his arms around his chest as he spins him around. “Listen to me. Phoenix was forced by All Saints. He didn’t want to do what he did, but didn’t have a choice, alright? He didn’t mean to hurt you.” Connor turns over his shoulder, hurt and surprise written all over his face. “Then why—” He spins his head back to Austin.

“I know you were afraid, but we got you out, my love. I’d always get you out.” He looks over Connor’s shoulder and our eyes meet. “I’m sure that he’ll gladly tell you more about it himself, if you let him. Look, if this guy couldn’t be trusted, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near you, nor my blood.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before? Why do I have to find out like this?” Hurt’s written on Connor’s face, his spectacled eyes darting between Kai and me. Searching. Then he nods slowly, understanding dawning.

“I needed time,” Kai answers. He lets out a nervous laugh. “It’s not everyday that you realize that the guy you’re supposed to hate, the guy who threatens everyone you love, is actually the guy you…want?”

“Trust me,” Connor mumbles in reply, and his lips twitch. “I understand better than you think.”

“They’re in love,” Ro supplies. He’s sitting at the table, a glass of whiskey in his hands. When all heads turn his way, he rolls his eyes dramatically.

“Well, you’re looking awfully happy,” Austin mutters, his smile laced with humor. Ro shrugs at that.

“It’s just that I think that we’ve spent a lot of time on this now. Connor, it’s time to move on. I think we can all give some credit to Kai who did everything he could to keep us all safe. I’m happy for you, man.” He takes a sip. “Can we now tell them all about how All Saints got wiped out of the port? How we’re taking over business?”

“What?” Kai tightens his grip again and I feel his breath in my curls when he presses his lips against my temple.

“We did it. We let them live, but we’ve taken over their turf and sent them to Long Island. Brooklyn’s ours, Red Hook Terminal included.”

“And the police? Nothing? I mean, there’s no case now, right?”

“Except for one.” Ro stands, and grabs two glasses when he makes his way toward us. “You can let go now, couz, your guy is safe here.” He smiles at me when he hands me the glass, then pours some whiskey in it. “Police found the body of a mobster on the corner of Gracenote coffee shop, in a narrow alley.” I swallow heavily when I remember standing there, afraid, chased by All Saints. When I remember Théo’s breath in my neck. “The body belonged to Damon, and he was hanged.”

“Fucking lunatics,” Austin mumbles.

“Lunatics that saved you.” Gabriel speaks, sarcasm dripping from his smooth tongue. He’s sitting on Mason’s lap, his silk garment hanging loosely around him like a cloud. His eyes find mine. “And you.” I nod at that, because he’s right. They might be crazy, but they are loyal. Just like these guys around me. They are criminals, and dangerous, but they’re also faithful, and proud. My hand moves up to squeeze Kai’s hand, still safely tucked around my waist. I feel his eyes on me, and it makes me turn, search for his, and smile. He leans forward and brushes our lips together, and it makes the others around me howl and cheer. It’s soft, and short, because his parents are standing so close, but when his mouth moves away, I’m feeling a little light-headed, and a lot stronger. I think that—yeah— I think that I want this. This man, this family, this lifestyle. I think I want it all.

Kai’s mother gives him a long look that I can’t place, but then I see her nod, and smile. She turns her body toward the group. “Connor, if you can forgive my son and his boyfriend, talk it through, share a glass of something, then—” she turns back, her smile on me. “I won’t lie and say that I’m not surprised. I didn’t know Kai was into men. I don’t think you’ve ever brought a guy home.”
