Page 51 of Infuriated

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Kai winks at that, and climbs out of bed. He washes his hands in the bathroom, then comes back with the two hangers that carry our suits. We picked them together. “Still sure you want to go as a rockabilly?” He drapes mine over the chair, then whistles when he picks out his.

“Absolutely. Fucking love this. Lemme get ready.”

It takes him about an hour. By the time we finally walk into the Whisper, the very first gentlemen’s club that was opened by the Business and marked the beginning of their wealth and power, the party is already on fire.

Today, everyone’s here. Both families and their partners freely chat around, the place secured up to its teeth. Charlie and Gabriel have done a fantastic job on the decoration. The walls are filled with photos Connor has taken and developed himself in his dark room, mostly of Manhattan, Paris, and the family. There’s a few of the both of them, selfies where Austin attacks his throat with his lips and he smiles a little goofily in the camera. They look happy.

There are traces of cherry blossom and we drink Woodford Reserve, Austin’s favorite whiskey brand. The music plays some very bad 2000’s dance tracks, that luckily get interrupted by someone speaking through a microphone. It’s Aaron, Austin’s brother.

“Hey all.” He lands a hand through his dark hair, eyes moving from the grooms to D. He lets out a nervous smile that disappears once he starts talking. “I am so happy that we are all here today. Frankly, there have been moments over the past weeks I thought we’d never get there.” No one laughs. I circle my hand around Kai’s waist and press him closer. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me flush against him, the back of my head hitting his collarbone where he presses a kiss onto my curls. Ro talks about love and life, and I take the opportunity to look around me, to these people that have become my world in a very short time. Sometimes that’s all you need, is the right time, and the right place for it to just… be.

Mason has Gabriel pressed against his chest, a possessive strong arm around his waist while his chin is buried in his neck. Next to them stands Samuel, his hand squeezed into Charlie, who whispers something into Mia’s ear. Their identical golden curls shine brightly under the lights. At the bar, Big sits on a stool, Austin’s baby sister Vic between his thighs, who’s clutching a handkerchief. The older generation stands all together, their hands already holding cocktails, no matter the hour. A flash of my Mom passes by. I miss her, but I’m so proud of her at the same time. God, she was so defeated when I had to tell her that Nate had passed. But to see those tears in her eyes when she told me how relieved she was that I made it out, had given my beating heart hope. Hope that when she gets out, we’ll do more things together. Hope that she’ll come back to me as Mom. That we can celebrate this life that is ours, and mourn those who have left us.

I’d like that.

Kai’s father looks at me, and I flinch. He smiles, then starts clapping, and it’s only then I realize that Aaron’s finished his speech. Kai drops another kiss onto my head. “I’ll be right back.” Taking over the microphone, he smiles at everyone.

“My family, my blood,” he starts, and my chest tightens at the words. His eyes find mine. “My love. We’re all here today to celebrate Austin and Connor’s wedding, and I stand here in front of you, as new leader of the Void, the equal to Ro, because Dad has officially retired.”

“More time for fun things!” Kai dad holds his glass, and the tension breaks while we all laugh. His eyes find mine again and he winks. I chortle at that.

Kai continues. “All Saints scattered after their tremendous defeat and the murder of Damon, and the horror these guys must have been through being locked in that tunnel. Yet we all somehow seemed to be a part of that, all of us.” His eyes search through the crowd, and find Samuel. “The Business helped us protect those who matter, while chasing All Saints with us.” They move to Gabriel, and Mason. “The Lost Brothers chased them down.” His eyes find mine, and his lips curl into the sliest of smiles. “And you—”

“Don’t you dare.” My face is bright pink, my smile bright.

Who gets to fuck you?You.

“Ohh, I would. But I won’t, because you deserve more. You were used by All Saints, hurt and abused. Yet you were strong, my rising Phoenix, and you helped us get to where we are now. Victorious. Now look behind you, because I have a surprise for you.”

He tilts his chin too and I turn over my shoulder, mouth falling agape when I see her. I can’t believe it. Two nurses are standing around her, their white coats reflecting brightly in the dim light.

“Mom? You—” I look back at Kai, who has stepped closer, the microphone discarded. “She hasn’t finished her treatment yet. She—”

“Is invited to the wedding,” Kai says firmly. Yet when our eyes meet, I find that his gaze searches mine, looking for approval. “If you’ve learned anything about us—about me, it’s that we love our family above everything. Your mom is your blood, and we are your future.Iam.”

My eyes burn instantly, chest aching. Still I nod. “Yes, you are.” Then I turn on my heel and walk to Mom. I want to tell her that I’ve missed her, that I’m sorry for everything we’ve been through. But she doesn’t let me. She places a tentative hand on my shoulder, and squeezes. Her lips curl into a small smile, yet it’s her gaze, tearful and warm, that make my eyes burn. Because they reflect a certainpeacethat’s been missing for so, fucking long.

“It’s me, who’s sorry, my son. For blaming you for Rosy’s death. For giving you false hope.”

“It’s okay—”

She brushes me off with a shake of her head, tears rolling down her eyes. “No, it’s not all right, love. I am your mother. I should have been there for you, and I couldn’t, because I was broken inside.”

I swallow thickly, but this lump of sorrow won’t go away entirely. It has become part of us, of our life, our fate as mother and son. “And are you still? Broken, I mean?”

“Uhm—” She lets out a shuddering sigh. “I’m trying to stitch my heart back together. With the help of these fantastic nurses, courtesy of your boyfriend.” Her eyes flicker to Kai, who’s still standing behind me, and she sends him a shy smile. “The lack of alcohol makes me see more clearly. The ugliness, and also the beauty. Makes me feel clearer, too. The loss, and the pain. She’s gone, Phoenix. But you are still here. Will you please let me be part of your life?”

“Always.” I don’t hesitate, and then I grab her delicate shoulders between my fingers and pull her close to me for a hug. There’s the faintest scent of roses, the perfume she used to wear. And then we both cry, tears of relief, of hope of a better future. Someone offers her a glass of sparkling water, and she accepts it with a smile, while letting the nurses guide her to the bar. And then Kai’s voice through the microphone is back. My tears dry, and the tightness in my chest disappears, instead being replaced by an intense feeling of worthiness, of trusting life and whatever it throws at you.Bring it on.

“And now—” Kai raises his glass, and so do we all. My arms move on their own accord, needing my man to be close to me. His body reacts even before he sees me coming, his arm opening and guiding me against his chest. “To the Void, and the Business. To Austin and Connor.”

The crowd echoes his toast, and the music’s put back on. Conversations pick up, but outside our little bubble, there’s no noise. No noise. Only us.

“To us, my love.” Kai says, his lips already on mine.
