Page 73 of Crown of Steel

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He lets out a few curses and tenses his body. Fuck yeah, he’s trying to regain control, trying to build up those guards, and it’s sexy as fuck. Because I won’t let him get there. Won’t let him get up again and hide. Never again. My hand starts pumping his dick with a steady rhythm, and he wheezes.

“Tell me,” I hiss into his ear. “What do you want? I’ll fucking give it to you.”

“I want to come,” he finally cracks. Everything inside metingles at that small victory. My cock pulses, indicating I won’t be lasting long either. “Please, I want to come.”

“Yesss,” I growl, stroking his cock frantically now. “Come with me.”

His body shudders and convulses on a muffled shout, his dick pouring freely as his balls explode, followed shortly by my own mind blowing orgasm. Goosebumps erupt all over my skin when I collapse over Régis’s body, caving his back and shoulders with my chest, as my chin lands in the crook of his neck. He’s out of breath, panting heavily, face turned my way. His eyes are still closed when I drop a soft kiss on those lips of his, slightly parted and perfectly pink. Plush.

Fucking sweet.

“Come here.” Getting up, I tighten off the condom and toss it in the bin, then grab him by his shoulders and nestle myself on my back in his bed, Régis tucked tightly against my chest. His cheek brushes against mine, eyes opening as he slowly blinks.

“I—hmm—” He yawns. Then he shifts his body, filling the curve of my side perfectly with his body. He sighs contentedly, releasing his breath in a whoosh of a tickle that lands on my neck. He does again, a soft buzzing sound that sounds much like a purr.

He has fallen asleep. And I’m left staring at him, wondering. There was something so fucking painful about hearing him sob, of watching those big, blue eyes red-rimmed from grief.

I dip my chin and gaze down, catching sight of Régis’s unruly mop of golden hair and the side of his face—those curved lashes closed around his eyes, the straight nose with its slight curve at the end and those pouty lips. Soft puffs of air brush past them, making the long strands of his hair wisp at every exhale. He looks peaceful like this, and yet… “What the fuck happened to you, huh?” I ask the quiet air.

No one answers. No one ever told me about Régis’s past. I know that it must have been bad, I’m not blind. Dad andNathatlie worked with lawyers and other experts for a while before they finally took his Dad to court. To prison.

I know that Régis had to go to a psychologist, and I also know he didn’t go half of the time and stayed away, doing god knows what, during those hours.

Keeping my arm loosely wrapped around his tapered waist, I curl one of Régis’s legs over my thigh to keep him in place. His face lands with a thud into the crook of my neck, his puffs of air now landing directly onto the sensitive skin of my collarbone. He doesn’t as much as stir at the change of position. He won’t talk to me about his past even if I had him at gunpoint. The realization makes something stir in my chest. It’s…unusual.

People either give me what I want or…they give me what I want. Aside from the frustration, it’s actually quite refreshing to be around someone different. Someone who keeps his secrets.

Brushing a curved lock out of his face, I squeeze his hold a little tighter. Yeah, he likes me to work for it.

I can do that. I don’t care if he’s off limits because he’s my stepbrother, I’ll deal with those consequences later. Leaning my chin on his soft hair, I hum for a bit, thinking, then whisper,

“I’ll find out,chaton. I’ll find out what happened to you.”

That’s easier said than done though. I make a few calls home to subtly inquire about Régis, but with our parents being so careful with him, I need to be careful and not draw any unwanted attention. Of how I’ve been sneaking into his room lately, claiming his bed and his body for most of our nights. It doesn’t work, with Dad steering the subject back to myself and the business every single time. He wants to know if I’ve already begun preparing for the qualification presentation. Where I want to live after graduation. When I’m available tojoin him and the M&A team to go to Spain and visit the wineries we are interested in buying.

It’s… a lot.

And the odd times I am lucky enough to get Nathalie on the phone, she doesn’t elaborate, keeping their secrets to herself. My own planning is rigid as hell and doesn’t allow me much thinking outside of my perfectly laid out road to my future.

Every morning I get my ass up before dawn, making sure I leave my little stepbrother’s room before he wakes up, and creep back into my own bedroom. Sometimes Louis joins me for my morning run, although I only allow him to tag along if he can keep his mouth shut. I love my brother, but won’t have his chatterbox around me too early. I need to focus. Need my well-built morning work-out before I dedicate the rest of the day to my studies. Hard work is paying off though, my weekly grades are assuring me that I’m by far the strongest of my year.

The pressure’s high. Even though no words are exchanged, we both know the truth. I need to win thePrix d’Honneur, need to excel in every fucking thing I do.

It’s a Friday when I finally stomp back up the stairs after classes have finished. I’m more than ready to traditionally kick off my weekend. Before, we used to do that with champagne and a blowjob, but I’ll solely opt for the first one. Louis still gets his, and like the true brother he is, he cannot stop from reminding me of my old habits, and how I have turned into a boring douche.

Smug fuck.

He’s got a point, though. I’m restless, can feel it in my fucking bones. There are too many balls in the air, too many challenges I need to get control of before they become a true menace. I had expected to spend more time with Dad now that I’m in my final year. Had anticipated being baptized more into the business by now. But he’s holding off, and I’m unsure of why that is. And that feeling lingers, making me a little jerky. I don’tget insecure, have never had a reason to feel that sensation since I’ve been protected by family and wealth my entire life. But this newly found sentiment is creating something that gets alarmingly close to discomfort.

Dad checks in regularly to ask about Régis, and despite what I tell my little stepbrother, I always feed Dad with the same information. Régis is doing well, integrating more and more and receiving excellent grades. And yes, after that one little gaffe which was nothing more than a misunderstanding, he has presented himself at the Initiation of the brotherhood and has performed his role.

Exceeding my expectations.

Fuck, my little stepbrother. I’ll never admit it out loud, but that’s where my real fucking problem lies. Because he’s a walking liability. An unstable whirlwind of secrets that makes him erratic. He’s unintentionally mysterious, his secrets much more obvious than he thinks. And still, he’s a closed book who has somehow wrapped Amadou, Dad’s bodyguard, around his little finger. I know he’s filling his fridge regularly, but with a full operating canteen, I wonder why. I’ll figure it out.

Julien has been tracing his paths, but apart from Régis spending his after school hours outside in the rainy forest, he is mostly in the library. Or in class. And since a few nights ago, in bed, with me. Naked, trembling, desperate for my touch.

That’s right. No more waiting fifteen fucking days. My little stepbrother awaits me in his bed, every night of the week, just like I told him to.
