Page 34 of Kuaket

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“Well, the plan is that I’m supposed to capture you here, right? So what better way to convince anyone watching that I’m doing that than by acting completely normal.”

“I guess we should make sure we’re caught sneaking around then,” I responded.

“The only difference is that we need to make sure we’re seen,” he said.

“From all of the lectures people have given me over the past nine months, I don’t think that’ll be an issue,” I muttered.

“I’m sorry about that.”

“No, you’re not.” My lips twisted up into a smile despite the seriousness of the evening. “And neither am I, it was fun.”

“It was,” he agreed.

“But I’m okay with things changing.” The words came out as barely a whisper.

Abrax reached out and touched my hand, but neither of us said anything else.

The end of our turn came and I got up, only remembering as I did that I needed to make this as obvious as I could. “Meet me in the usual spot,” I announced loudly.

“You’re the boss,” he responded, leaning back in his chair.

The way he was acting might seem like it was normal, but I could see the difference in the set of his mouth and the fear in his eyes.

I wished there was a way to reassure him that this was all going to be okay, but I didn’t think it was safe to do that here, not when there was so much on the line.

As much as I wanted to stay and talk to him more, I knew I had to continue through the motions of the evening. No one could know that the way I felt about him had changed. What we were planning was already dangerous enough, and the Sons of Seth were already using me against him, we couldn’t give them more to use against us.

The man opposite me flashed me a toothy smile. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Not even a hello?”

“There’s limited time to find out who we are,” he pointed out. “So I’m just going straight for the flirting.”

“Ah.” I waited for the part of me that liked this kind of thing to appear, but it didn’t. Instead, I found myself searching for any hint of tattoos on his skin to indicate he was a spy of some kind, which was probably unkind of me. But I was convinced that there was one in the room.

My gaze slipped to Abrax in the next seat over, and I caught him in the middle of looking in my direction. A small thrill travelled through me at the attention, like there was a secret between us.

Which I supposed there was.

“I think that’s the end of our date,” the man opposite said, calling my attention properly back to it.

“Oh, so it is.”

“Hopefully, I’ll get to see you again sometime soon,” he said.

“Maybe.” I got to my feet and smiled at him, but I didn’t think it reached my eyes.

He made a big show of ticking my name on his sheet, which was only going to lead to disappointment on his part, but there was no helping that.

I stepped away from the line of chairs and made my way over to the entrance to the corridor that led to the kitchens. I leaned against the wall and made eye contact with Abrax, hoping it was enough for whoever was spying on us. If they believed that Abrax was seducing me away from DeLux Café, then it should keep him safe once we were in the Sons of Seth headquarters.

A small thrill spread through me as he got to me and leaned in.

“Are you ready?” he whispered.

I nodded. “You?”

“Not even slightly. But I know we have to do this.”
