Page 65 of A Risk Worth Taking

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“For you,” Lincoln says, leaning over and kissing the top of my head. “Be ready to leave at five o’clock.”

I open the box and find the most gorgeous one shoulder, sparkly emerald maternity evening gown that matches my eyes, complete with matching black, sparkly ballet flats, and a sexy yet comfy-looking maternity bra and panties—also black.

I don’t know how Lincoln did all of this without me knowing, but when I put it all on and it not only fits but makes me look like a pregnant fairy-tale princess, I send him a text thanking him, then go about doing my hair and makeup. I keep my look simple, my hair down in beach waves, and my makeup on the natural side, using a bit of mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes pop. I might be five months pregnant, but even I can admit I look sexy.

After shooting a selfie I take using the floor-to-ceiling mirror and sending it to Sienna—who responds that I look beautiful and to have a good time, confirming that she knows precisely where we’re going—I reply that I love her and then head out to the main room of the suite to find Lincoln standing next to the wet bar, looking handsome in his suit. When he lowers his hand that’s holding a drink, I notice he’s sporting an emerald tie, and my heart soars. He planned this. I don’t know whatthis isexactly, but he took the time to plan the little details, and that gives him extra points in my book.

“Kitten,” he purrs, his eyes igniting with heated lust. “You’re sexy as hell in your yoga attire, but fuck, you look exquisite like this.”

I can’t help but laugh at his yoga remark since I do tend to live in my yoga pants, sports bra, and tank.

“This is for you,” he says, setting his crystal tumbler down and pulling an oblong black velvet box out of his jacket pocket. I take the delicate box from him and pop it open, not expecting what I find nestled inside.

“It’s a Venetian cat mask,” he explains, as I take in the beautiful silver and black mask that’s attached to a delicate chain. “It’s as close as I could find to the one you wore that night.”

He takes the necklace out of the box, and I turn around, lifting my hair up so he can clasp it around my neck. Once it’s fastened, it drops against my chest, and I look down to admire the lovely gift.

“Why?” I ask, turning around to face him, confused as to why he bought this for me. Sure, that was one of the best nights of my life, but that night changed the course of his life entirely.

When he raises a questioning brow, I explain. “That night changed everything for you. I not only turned your entire world on its axis by getting pregnant, but you’ve had to deal with the fallout with your family. You went from the carefree bachelor to living with a hormonal pregnant woman.” I chuckle, self-deprecatingly. “It’s beautiful, Linc. And I love it because for me that night changed my life for the better. If it weren’t for you, I would still be hiding from my past and from my sister. And I’d still be afraid to be intimate with a man. But...Well, I guess I don’t understand what meaning it holds for you.”

He shakes his head and gently cups the side of my face. “You’re right, that night changed my life, but Kitten, it changed my life for the better too. That night was the first time Iconnected with a woman on a deeper level. Before you, sex was just sex. It was fun and a good release. I enjoyed exploring, but I never felt anything like what I felt with you. I didn’t understand it when my brother said he knew Sienna was the one for him the first time he saw her dancing on stage—not until that night I spent with you.

“From the conversation we shared, to the dancing, to our time in the backroom, I felt everything. And after you left, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. All I wanted to do was find you.”

“Because you didn’t know it was me,” I mutter, my gaze descending.

“No,” he says, tilting my chin up to look at him. “I didn’t know my mystery woman was you, but that doesn’t change the connection we shared. And since learning it was you who I shared that connection with...Spending the past couple of months with you...That connection has only deepened for me.

“Yeah, I was scared to admit my feelings because the fact is, I am a lot older than you, and to a lot of people that looks bad. But I’m done giving a fuck about what shit looks like. I love you, El, and I love that you’re carrying my baby.”

He moves his fingers from my chin, back to the side of my face, and with his other hand, squeezes the curve of my hip, pulling me closer. “I’m not saying I want to keep knocking you up like my brother and your sister keep doing...” The corner of his lips quirk into a sexy smirk. “But watching you grow my baby inside of you is one of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced. Just knowing that we created him during that night we spent together is such a turn on...So I definitely wouldn’t object if you wanted to make a couple more babies with me.”

I choke out a watery laugh as butterflies attack my chest. “We’ll see if you say that after the baby is born and we’re sleep deprived from him waking up all night.”

“You’re really not going to make this easy on me,” he says with a groan. “My point is that yes, my life changed that night we were together but only for the better, El. Before that night, I had refused to settle down, not wanting to eversettle, wanting to make sure the woman I ended up with was the person I could see myself creating a life with. And when I look at you, I see all of that. I see our future...Babies, a home filled with love. Holidays, birthdays, family vacations...Lazy mornings in bed, late nights spent with me inside you. I want it all, and I want it with you.”

“Lincoln,” I breathe, getting choked up with emotion from his words. He doesn’t get its significance because he’s always had it—the loving family, holidays, vacations, birthdays—but all those things he says he wants with me are all the things I’ve always wanted but feared I’d never have.

“I want that,” I whisper, afraid if I say the words too loudly, the universe will rescind the offer.

“Give us a real chance, Kitten, and I promise I’ll spend every day showing you how much I love you and how much I want this life with you. I’m not saying every day will be perfect, but we can have the life we both want, together.”

I should probably make him work harder for it. It’s only been a short time since I pushed him away and told him he’d have to prove his love for me, but as I look into his hazel eyes, I realize I don’t want to play games. I’ve learned the hard way how cruel life can be, how quickly it can change at the drop of a dime. All we have is right now, and I want to spend it being loved by Lincoln.

“Okay,” I breathe. “I’ll give us a real chance.”

His features morph into pure happiness, and the way my heart swells tells me I made the right decision. I love Lincoln, and I want this life with him. I want to love him and be loved by him. Hell, I’ve loved him in my own way since I was fourteen years old. Not because he was hot and older—though, hedefinitely was—but because even back then I felt the strength of his love. It was the kind of love that wrapped me up like a warm blanket on the coldest winter night and made me feel safe. Only now that love has blossomed into something more...Something deeper. Something I want to spend the rest of my life nurturing, so it will continue to grow.

“I love you,” he says, pulling me into his arms. “And I promise, you won’t regret it.”

His mouth descends on mine, and I sigh into the kiss, getting lost in him. It’s only been a short time since I’ve felt Lincoln’s mouth on mine, but the moment our lips touch, I instantly crave more of him, more of his touch, his scent, his taste.

When I encircle my arms around his neck, wanting to deepen the kiss, he chuckles into my mouth and breaks the kiss. “Baby, we have plans tonight.”

“Screw the plans,” I mutter, trying to pull him back to me. It’s impossible for me to compare my turbo-charged sex drive to that of someone who’s not pregnant, and it could be because I’ve only just recently found how pleasurable sex and orgasms can be, but I find myself wanting Lincoln often.

“Not happening,” he says, untangling us and taking my hand in his. “You look too beautiful not to take out, and the plans we have, I think you’re going to regret missing...Even if the sex is that good.” He shoots me a flirty wink, and I laugh at how adorably sexy he is.
