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“Yes,” she mumbles, looking away. “I’m sure.”

“And did you honestly think I would expect you and the kids to move in without making some kind of commitment first?”

“Well, yeah…I mean, you’re not a fan of marriage, and I get that, I really do—”

“I never said I wasn’t a fan of marriage,” I reply. I pull out my phone. “Hang on. I need to send a text.”

She frowns at me. “Rightnow?” And then she hears her phone chime and I glance at the text I just sent.


She pulls out her phone, continuing to frown as she reads before a small smile plays around her mouth. “I can’t wait to… maul you? Muffle you?”

“Try again, Lucie.”

She smiles wider. “I have no idea. Oh, wait. Masturbate you? I don’t think that’s grammatically correct.”

“Don’t think I won’t spank you right here, even with the agent watching. You know what the ‘M’ stands for.”

“Yeah,” she says, typing into her phone. “I think I do.”



I can’t wait to say yes.

I can’t wait til she does either.

