Page 19 of Boss's Mate

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I have to check if she's alright,Lance decided, and so he gestured up to the bathroom window and mouthed, “Come down. Unlock the back door.”

When he was certain she had understood him, Lance slipped under the carport on the back of the house and waited impatiently, his foot tapping on the concrete floor.

The moment that Kayla unlocked the door she practically flew into Lance’s arms. The way she trembled made him wrap them around her, holding her tight even as she wept, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know who else to call.”

For several moments, Lance said nothing. He simply held her close, nuzzling his face into her hair and trying not to think too hard about just how good she smelled.

“Shh,” he whispered gently, stroking the back of her head, “Shh, I’ve got you. You’re safe now. I told you, you did the right thing calling me.”

“I…I thought…” Kayla stammered, her lips quivering as much as she was, and Lance could clearly see how much shock she was in.

“Come on, let’s get you inside,” Lance said gently, urging her back into the house. “You’re in shock and freezing.”

It wasn’t often that werewolves got cold, but shock would do it to them, and just feeling the way she shivered made Lance’s jaw clench.

“Are you sure he is gone?” Kayla asked, glancing over her shoulder.

Lance shook his head. “I’m not, but as soon as you’ve calmed down, I’ll go and scout about a bit.”

“Don’t leave me!” Kayla whipped around and gripped hold of Lance’s forearms so tightly that he could feel her fingernails as if they were claws. He had to glance down to be sure that they weren’t.

When he saw that she wasn’t at risk of shifting, he reached up and brushed her blonde hair back from her face. Cupping her cheek, he looked her deep in the eye and promised, “I am not going anywhere.”

He kicked the back door closed behind him to prove it.

“I’ll have a quick look around close by, and if there’s no sign of him, I’ll give Lewis a call to get a patrol together,” Lance told her gently, caressing her cheek with the ball of his thumb.Damn, why does her skin have to be so soft?It took all he had in him to keep his wits about him. “I’ll stay with you for as long as it takes for him to be found and arrested.”

“No, no! You can’t arrest him,” Kayla protested. She snatched her face away from his hand, shaking her head. Somehow, she trembled even harder than before. “That’ll just make him worse.”

Lance cringed at that. He had heard those words before. Kayla wasn’t the first beaten partner he had dealt with in his line of work. And they always said the same thing, too scared to gethelp for fear that it could go wrong, and then they would find themselves in even worse trouble.

“I will never let him hurt you again,” Lance promised her. Never had he spoken truer words. He had seen what could happen when he didn’t keep such a promise. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

“How…how can you be so sure?” Kayla asked, her gaze darkened, brow raised.

Lance sucked in a breath and pulled her close in order to comfort her as he said, “Because I won’t leave your side until he is caught and banished from Silverdale.”Or dead.Though he knew the latter was the only unchangeable option, and he would have very much liked to be one hundred percent sure that Kayla never laid eyes on her ex again, he had always followed the law. It was perhaps the only thing he had to keep his anger in check, especially these days.

The way she looked up at him, eyes so filled with gratitude and affection, caused Lance to lean forward. His arms wrapped just a little tighter around her.

It was only when he realized what he had been about to do that he started to pull back again. Only it was already too late. At the very same instant, Kayla pushed herself up onto her tiptoes. Just like that, her lips were on his, and all bets were off.

Chapter 11 - Kayla

All sense of reason was gone from Kayla. The shock of what had just happened had washed everything else clean, and all she could think about was not feeling frightened anymore.

In Lance’s arms it was impossible to feel any fear. His mere touch wiped it away as if it had never been. And when she reached up to kiss him, she felt her entire world beginning to spin in an entirely different direction.

The smallest of voices whispered in the back of her mind,you shouldn’t be doing this. He should be calling Lewis!

But with every second longer that the kiss lasted, the voice became quieter and quieter until Kayla couldn’t pick up any more than a niggling mutter.

Finally, as Lance’s tongue grazed her lips asking for entry into her mouth, the voice was totally silenced.

The rush of lust was so great that it overwhelmed everything else, and all Kayla could think about was how good it felt to have his hands on her body, to feel him gripping her hips with such pressure that she knew he needed her as much as she did him.

Instinctively, she gripped hold of the first button on his shirt. It was half-popped when Lance gripped hold of her wrist and held her hand close to his chest. Against her lips, he whispered, “Not here.”

Disappointment clawed at Kayla’s insides, and for a second the voice returned, warning her again that this was wrong.
