Page 21 of Boss's Mate

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“Fuck, Kayla, I’m going to—” Before he could finish what he was going to say, he growled out a groan so powerful that it made the bed tremble beneath them. Kayla felt the warm, wet sensation of his seed spilling deep inside her and she moaned right along with him.

Just when Kayla thought it was all over, imagining that he would simply climb off, get up and see himself out, Lance dropped down onto the bed beside her. A giddy sensation fluttered in her stomach as he slipped his arm under her neck and urged her up to lay upon his chest.

Both still panting for breath, they lay there in silence, both staring up at the ceiling for quite some time. Still reeling from the pleasure, Kayla realized she had never felt so good in all of her life. Every single inch of her was relaxed, fizzing with orgasmic energy, her limbs heavy with exhaustion.

The sound of Lance’s heart beating beneath her chest was enough to make her own heart swell and she listened closely as his heartbeat slowed and his breathing eased.

It was only as the pleasure started to wear off that the guilt started to creep in. The mist of pleasure was blown away by the realization of what had just occurred.

Not only had she just had the best sex of her life, she had just had sex with her boss and the father of her lifelong best friend.

Her bottom lip quivered as she attempted to find the words to say. Yet she realized there was nothing she could say or do to change the fact. Nor could she bring herself to move awayfrom Lance’s warm, muscular chest. And so, she closed her eyes tightly, trying to hold onto the sensations for as long as possible.

If this was to be the only time this happened, which she was most certain it would be, then she wished for it to last.This can’t happen again,she thought even as she slipped her hand onto Lance’s chest to play with the smattering of hair she found there.It never should have happened in the first place.

When Lance’s hand resting upon the back of her head, stroking her hair, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back into his hand. Those magical hands were far too good to give up just yet, and she reveled in the memory of all he had done to her.

“I may have gotten a little carried away there,” he whispered, finally breaking the silence. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

Kayla raised her head so quickly that if she hadn’t been so relaxed before she might have hurt her neck. “Are you kidding me? You could never hurt me.”

She knew the truth of her words right deep down in her soul as she reached up and cupped his face in her hand. He smiled back at her sadly, and she was about to ask him what was wrong when he kissed her on the tip of her nose and slipped out from beneath her.

“I should go and give Lewis that call,” he said, reaching for his pants that he had left on the floor at the bottom of the bed. “Stan might still be out there.”

Kayla groaned. The very last thing she wanted to think about right now was Stan. “Is that the only reason you are getting out of bed right now?” she asked, because she was too afraid to ask anything more serious like, ‘do you regret what just happened?’

Though she hated the feeling of guilt in her gut, she most definitely knew she did not regret it one bit. She was, however, fearful that he might.

Yanking his pants back on, Lance perched on the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss her forehead. “Believe me, if I could stay in this bed forever with you, I would.”

Kayla’s heart hammered so hard in her chest that it made her throat swell up. She had absolutely no idea what to say to that. In fact, she feared that if she tried to speak she might make herself look like a complete fool, and so she kept her silence, watching as Lance slipped from the bedroom with his cell phone in hand.

Chapter 12 - Lance

“Hey, what's up?” Lewis answered the phone on the second ring, clearly knowing something wasn't quite right. It wasn’t often Lance called his son. After all, they saw each other five or six days a week at work.

Lance cleared his throat, still reeling from what had just occurred in the bedroom. Standing on the landing, he glanced over his shoulder at the bedroom door. Though it was closed, he could sense Kayla just beyond, moving about.

“I need you to round up a team,” Lance said, struggling to keep his attention on the conversation at hand and not his thoughts of the naked woman just beyond the door.

“For?” Lewis ground out the word as if he was irritated that he hadn't already given an explanation.

“I need someone hunted down and brought in,” Lance explained. “A lion shifter named Stan.”

Lance heard his son scribbling on a piece of paper. “Any last name?”

Shit!Lance growled through gritted teeth. Maybe if he hadn't been so busy with his dick inside Kayla he might have gained a little more information. “No, but he may be hanging around close to the Silver Moon. I've seen him there previously.”

Anger surged through Lance's veins at the mere thought of that night. It was only when Lewis spoke that he realized it must have been in his voice too. “What did this guy do to piss you off?”

“He's an ex of Kayla's,” Lance explained, jaw clenched.

“Huh…” Lewis said, his tone over-curious, and Lance sensed what was coming. “Got the hots for your secretary, pops? That why you got so protective with me?”

Bile rose in Lance's throat as he remembered how he had warned his son off Kayla.

“My personal life is none of your business,” Lance growled down the phone at his son. “The bastard came into the office today whilst you were out on your errands. He was trespassing in her house this evening when she got home.”
