Page 27 of Boss's Mate

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“Lance, please…” she pleaded weakly, and although he knew she was begging him to stop, the tone of her voice suggested that secretly she wanted this just as badly as he did.

In all his years he had never done anything as wildly unethical as he was thinking of doing now. His arm itched to sweep everything, including his brand new and very expensive computer, right off the desk so he could take her right there on its surface.

He could already imagine the soft moans and gentle grunts she would make after they had been imprinted upon his memory the night before.

And so he kissed her. Not doing so wasn't an option. His mind was not his own. It belonged to her, just as his body and soul did, too.

He wanted to wrap her in his arms and pull her so close that their bodies melted together and their wolves howled in harmony.

And for a while, she kissed him as if she felt the same way. It was a balm for his sore heart. The way she slipped her hands around the back of his neck and pushed herself onto her tiptoes just to deepen the kiss made his insides flutter with desire for her.

His cock became so hard against the zipper of his pants that it was almost painful. The urge to release it, to bury it deep inside of her, was so intoxicating that he could think of nothing else.

Then, just as he was about to clear his desk with one swipe of his arm, Kayla pulled away.

She gasped for breath as she freed herself from his arms. Holding onto his forearms as if she thought it might stop him from reaching for her again, she said, “We can't do this, Lance. It is wrong on so many levels.”

“Why?” he breathed, inching his face close to hers again. He could smell the sweetness of her breath and he longed to taste it again. “It doesn't have to be.”

“I'm your secretary, Lance, not to mention your daughter's closest friend,” Kayla pointed out. She released his arms and stepped away before wrapping her own around her chest. She rubbed them as if she really were freezing. “This is wrong on so many levels,” she repeated.

Lance gritted his teeth. Though she spoke sense, it did nothing to dissuade his cock or his wolf. Both were screaming for Kayla. They wanted her so badly it was as if he were just barely able to control himself. If she so much as moved a muscle, he would pounce on her like a hunter catching his prey and she would be done for.

It took all he had in him not to force himself on her. He would never do that, no matter what his wolf was begging of him.

As if she saw the danger in his darkening gaze, she added, “It's forbidden, Lance. Sarah would never forgive us.”

At the mention of his daughter, his stomach started to ache.

“You're right,” he growled out through gritted teeth. Silently, he added to himself,but how can this be wrong when it feels so damn right?

In fact, he wasn't sure he had ever felt such a pull before. His every waking moment was a torment whenever he wasn't around her, and when he was, all he could think about was having her in his arms and being inside her. How was he supposed to work with her if he couldn't concentrate with her around?

He had managed it for years now, so what the hell had changed? Maybe it was the realization that he was not as old as he felt, nor as alone. Maybe it was just that she had given him something he hadn't had in such a long time.

He tried his hardest to tell himself that she was nothing special. But just staring into her crystalline blue eyes reminded him that wasn't true.

He growled low in his throat, and as if she heard the warning, Kayla took a large step back.

“I…I should get back to work,” she said, indicating to the door with her thumb. “There's a lot of paperwork to go through and Lewis asked me to give him a hand with some filing.”

“You're my secretary, not his!” Lance snarled, and the protective streak he felt was even more infuriating than his desire for her.

He was not a possessive man; he never had been. Nor had he ever been the kind of man who would mix work and pleasure, yet here they were, doing just that.

“I…I should get back to work,” Kayla suggested, glancing down at his hands. It was only then that he realized they were tightened into fists at his sides.

“Kayla, wait!” he said, encouraging his hands to unclench. It was almost painful to do, his joints so tight that he had to have been squeezing hard enough to break something if he were human.

But at that moment his phone began to ring. Seeing that it was the Silverdale manor, he groaned inwardly. He couldn't ignore a call from the alpha, not even for Kayla.

Pained beyond imagining, he watched Kayla slip from the room, leaning against his desk with whitened knuckles to stop from chasing after her. Neither of them could ever live down the scene that would cause.

With gritted teeth, he grabbed his phone and answered. “What is it?”

Chapter 15 - Kayla

Returning to her desk, Kayla found she was shaking too badly to even consider trying to use her laptop. The cursor would be all over the damn place. Besides, how could she even contemplate working right now when all she could think about was what had just happened?
