Page 32 of Boss's Mate

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There she was, doing that thing she did again, talking way too much whenever she got nervous.

“I finished my drink and left on my own,” Kayla said. She shivered, remembering the next part. “I was on my way home when Stan found me. He practically attacked me, begging me to give him another chance, and I was trying to fight him off, failing miserably when your dad showed up.”

Sarah scoffed at that but she said nothing. It was clear she believed that sounded just like her dad.

“He scared Stan off and took me home,” Kayla explained, her entire body trembling again. She continued, explaining everything that had happened since, leaving nothing out.

Of course, she didn't go into gross and gory details about how she and Lance had made love, but she did cringingly explain that it had happened.

She didn't stop until she came to the part of the story where she was sitting at Sarah's bedside, because she had been with Lance at work when he had gotten the call from the infirmary.

Sarah was silent throughout. She didn't so much as gasp or chuckle, or even sound as if she were breathing. In fact, she stared at Kayla blankly, showing absolutely no hint of what she might be feeling.

It was only when Kayla had finished that Sarah blinked her eyes closed and her face screwed up to the point that Kayla thought it had to have hurt her head.

“Get out.”

Sarah said the words so quietly that if Kayla hadn't been a werewolf, she might have missed them. But she was a werewolf, and she most definitely did hear them. And just doing so made her skin crawl.

“Sarah, I'm not going anywhere,” Kayla protested. She reached out to grip hold of her friend's hand where she had dropped it down onto the bed beside her. “You're my best friend, and I'm not going to leave you here alone and in pain.”

“Get,” Sarah ground out through gritted teeth, “Out.”

She didn't even look at Kayla now. Instead, she glared past her, the fury on her face so strong that it was as if she thought she might attack her if she looked at her directly.

“Sarah, please, you have to understand that I never meant for any of this to happen!” Kayla protested, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

Sensing the very real danger she was in thanks to her friend's temper, she stood up from the bed. Even an injured she-wolf was dangerous when angry, and there was no way in hellKayla was going to physically fight her best friend, even if she did attack her.

She deserved whatever she got. She knew that. But she couldn't account for what her own she-wolf might do in that kind of situation. Animal instinct might well take over, and she wasn't sure Sarah was in any fit state for a proper werewolf fight. In fact, she thought that with a head injury like that, the shift alone could be seriously dangerous.

“I never even looked at Lance in that way before he turned up at the bar!” Kayla blurted, bile choking her when Sarah's eyes turned on her, blazing at the way she had used her father's name. She had only ever called him Mr. Leafson or referred to him as Sarah's dad before. That was how it had always been. Hoping not to draw too much attention to the fact, she hurried on, “If it weren't for Stan attacking me and breaking into my house, none of this would have ever happened!”

“Get out!” Sarah screamed the words now. Her hands tightened to fists and she slammed them on the mattress so hard that Kayla thought she heard several of the springs inside it snap. “Get out! Just get out!”

Kayla had never heard Sarah so angry. She had never felt the glaring fury that she experienced now as Sarah's wolf leered forward in her eyes, making them blaze a violent and angry amber with just a flicker of blue.

Sure, Kayla had seen those wolf eyes a thousand times before. She had even seen anger in them at times. But it was never, never aimed at her, not in any real way. They had argued over a rabbit or two in wolf form over the years, but nothing like this.

“I'm sorry,” Kayla whimpered, taking a half-step back.

The door opened behind her, but she didn't budge an inch. She didn't even look around. One sniff told her that the person behind her wasn't the only man in the world who could rescue her now.

Lance was still off somewhere leaving her to deal with Sarah on her own. That angered her as much as it upset her, but deep down she understood. He had to find Stan. He had taken things too far, and the whole community might be at risk if he really had lost his marbles.

Still, she wished he was there with her now, not only because oddly she missed him with an ache in her heart that wouldn't let up, but also because Sarah needed her father right now. She was a daddy's girl, always had been, and nothing was going to change that.

Why couldn't you go running off after all of this went down?Kayla thought. She took another step back. Sarah's eyes were blazing angrier and angrier.

“Get out! Get out! Get out!” Sarah screamed and screamed. “Get out before I rip your damn heart out, you traitorous bitch!”

Tears streamed down Kayla's face then. They came so thick and fast that she was blinded by them.

Serena rushed right past Kayla and grabbed hold of Sarah by the forearms, trying to pin her down against the bed. “I need some help in here!”

Sarah thrashed and fought, but clearly her injuries were more extensive than Kayla had first thought. As others rushed in to help, Sarah grew weak, though not weak enough that she couldn't put up one hell of a fight.

Kayla remained frozen, watching her friend with a shattering heart.
