Page 23 of A Strict School

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Satisfied, Frau Lotte turns her attention to Jane.

“I lost a studentanda staff member today,” she notes rather grimly. “It is considered appropriate to notify me when you intend to leave the school, Miss Strict. I understand that you were endeavoring to return the student…”

“I did return her,” Jane says. “Which is more than the security could do.”

She is well aware that if she had not found Storm, the girl would be wandering around Basel at this point. She hadn’t expected a parade upon her return, but a thank you would be nice.

The headmistress’ tone sharpens at Jane’s response, which is not nearly as apologetic as she clearly expects it to be. “I expect my staff to have more self-control than the students, Miss Strict. We cannot all go running about the countryside whenever the mood takes us.”

Jane is not entirely certain how she ended up in trouble while Storm is hopefully curled up in bed fast asleep, but that is the sort of day this has been. She has certainly not been running about the countryside. She is beginning to wonder if Hannes and Laura are not the only ones who privately view her as being less mature than the rest of her cohort.

“You have forty students to look after,” Headmistress Lotte continues. “Not one.In future, you will leave such matters to the security detail responsible. Am I making myself clear?”

“Yes, headmistress, of course,” Jane says.

“You are dismissed.”

“Thank you,” Jane says. She knows all she needs to do is leave the room quietly, take her chastisement and… she pauses at the door, already regretting what she is going to say, but knowing it must be said.

“You are quite right. Storm is in your care, not mine.”

The headmistress nods, satisfied.

“It would be better, then, if you did not lose her again, so that I might be able to have my full attention on my duties here, and not have to become your de facto bloodhound when the alleged security detail proves incapable. Good night, headmistress.”

There is a moment in which the muscle in the headmistress’ jaw twitches, and her eyes move toward an old paddle displayed on the wall more as a statement piece than anything of use.

“Good night, Miss Strict.”

Jane leaves the room and exhales deeply, twice as long as she last breathed in. This has been a very long, very difficult first day at work. A voice belonging to someone secreted in a nearby alcove makes a little comment.

“That sounded tense.”

“Storm! Go to bed!” Jane practically growls the words.

Storm laughs and makes a quick escape back down the hall. Jane lets her go.

Tomorrow, she will be in a world of hurt. Tonight, everybody needs sleep.



Storm flinches at the sound, but also smirks a little at the same time. It is a quite devious smile that spreads across her face as she hears the unmistakeable sound of a cane landing on a bottom. The Germans have a word for what she is feeling right now:schadenfreude.She is experiencing schadenfreude in spades. It flows rich in her veins, giving a deep sense of satisfaction and justice.

For once, she is not the one on the receiving end of that sound. She is on the opposite side of the door entirely from it. An unfortunate but very deserving girl is inside getting what is probably the first punishment of her life, and Storm has ensured it is much worse than it might otherwise have been.

The yowl that follows that first stroke of the cane is music to her ears, and of course, it is not the last. Storm counts six… no, seven… no, eight? Eight of them at least, all followed by piteous crying and begging.

The smile on Storm’s lips broadens and becomes an outright grin.

Two hours ago…

“New girl.”

It is breakfast time following her train excursion and subsequent return and Storm finds herself something of an object of interest. Most of the girls are content to gossip about her among themselves, but one of their number has broken the ice and approached directly. Storm figures the student calling her new girl is probably around the same age as her, judging by the fact she sits only a seat or two up from her at breakfast.

“Hey,” Storm says, responding to what makes sense as being her moniker.

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