Page 42 of Pity Party

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“I was holding it for you so that it didn’t tip over on you.” He sounds as annoyed as I am.

“It can’t fall,” I tell him. “It’s attached to hooks in the concrete.”

“How was I supposed to know that?”

“I don’t know, by using your eyes?” I shift to push myself up onto my elbows. Jamie does not make for the softest landing. As my body moves across his, he releases a pained groan. “Are you hurt?” I’m guessing a hundred and forty pounds dropping on anyone could cause some serious damage.

“I’m … um… not really hurt.”

If he’s not hurt, what is he carrying on about? And that’s when the shock of my current position hits me like a punch in the gut. I’m lying on top of Jamie!

I hurry to move my knee to the ground so I can slide off him, but I miss the mark—and wind up kneeing him right in the fellas.

“Stop!” he yells. “You’re going to turn me into a eunuch.”

“I’m trying to get off of you.”

But instead of pushing me away to facilitate our separation, he pulls me closer so that I’m lying along his entire length. He puts one arm around me and rolls us both so that I’m under him. Sweet mother of God, my entire body wakes up with an electric awareness. This is a delicious torture.

“Jamie …” His name escapes my mouth like the last gasp of air before I shed my mortal coil for more heavenly pursuits. Although if there are more heavenly pursuits than this, I can’t imagine them.

“Shh …” He doesn’t move to get up, he just lies on me, wreaking havoc with my senses.

I force my gaze to his face. He looks like he’s in pure agony. “Jamie,” I try again.

“My God, woman, can’t you be quiet for a minute?”

Suddenly my bones feel like they’re starting to melt. Why is he so mad? Then the truth hits me. Jamie is turned on by our current situation and he’s trying to calm himself down. Which of course ignites a fire in me.

The most gorgeous man I’ve probably ever seen is lying on top of me, and he’s totally affected by the situation. I squirm underneath him which causes him to groan again. “Please stop moving.”

“Why?” I practically purr. “Are you uncomfortable?”

“I’m currently in a world of agony,” he growls.

I don’t know what comes over me, but I take that as an invitation. I move my arms up along his sides until they’re free. Then I cup either side of his face and raise my mouth to meet his.

The feeling of our lips touching defies description. It’s pure pleasure, it’s torment, it’s a coming home like I’ve never experienced before. Every nerve ending in my body is alive and tingling. My heart is beating in overdrive. I have not kissed a man in nearly a year, and I do not remember it being anything like this all-consuming inferno.

He’s definitely kissing me back, which makes it even more surprising when he rolls off me and demands, “What was that all about?”

Wait, what?“What was what all about?” I sound like a frightened mouse.

“Why did you just kiss me?”

This is not how this scene would play out in the movies. A thousand thoughts race through my brain, the winner being that I watch too many movies. “I thought you wanted … I mean, you know, with you lying on me … And groaning … I thought …”

“My knee popped out of the socket when you landed on me,” he says sternly. “It’s an old college football injury.”

Heat floods my face until I’m sure I’m about to spontaneously combust. Not only am I totally and completely confused, I’m mortified. “So, you were groaning in real pain?”

“What other kind of pain is there?” he demands.

“I thought …” Forget what I thought. I can never look at this man again. I’m going to have to sell out to my mom and leave Elk Lake. Heck, I’m going to have to leave the state. Maybe even the country. “I’ll go back up and call an ambulance,” I tell him.

“I don’t need an ambulance.” He shifts to the side before sitting up. He positions his hands around his knee and jolts the joint back into the socket. The popping sound is so loud, a wave of nausea rolls over me.

“I’m sorry.” My words are no more than a whisper.
