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“Not going to happen,” Blake said, deeply. “You’re not going, Mr. Roberts.”

I spun back, glaring.

“You have to stay with me,” Gaige said, firmly. “I’m your alibi if this ever gets out. If we can pinpoint the location, Blake and Zain have to do this alone.

My jaw clenched. I couldn’t stand it, but he was right. Together, they could bring Lily home. She wasn’t mine anymore. Not really. My sister now belonged to Zain, and suddenly, I was okay with that. I trusted him, wounded and all. He’d almost died trying to save her before. He’d do the same again if it came down to it. And with Blake there, he’d be okay. The man was a professional killer. One who enjoyed it. Together, there was no fear for Lily’s safety.

“Okay. Fine.” I turned to Zain, my eyes glancing over to Brace as he worked to find us the address. “A word with you, first?” I could tell Zain didn’t want to come, but I had to make something clear before he left.


The walk to my office led me straight to the Scotch. I poured two drinks and we both threw back our glasses, finishing the liquor in one drink.

“Bring her back,” I said, placing the glass down. “Safely.”

Slowly, Zain shook his head. “If we can pull this off, I won’t be bringing her back here, Slade. Not immediately.”

My gaze narrowed. “What the hell do you mean? Where do you plan on taking her?”

His mouth tightened, but he never broke eye contact. “Lily and I have some things we have to work out. If she’s okay, I’m taking her to an undisclosed location and we’re going to fix what’s wrong. That could take days or weeks. I’m not sure yet. I do promise you this, your sister couldn’t be in better hands. I love her with everything I am.” He frowned and turned to stare back to the door. “When I return, I’ll leave her in your care long enough to put an end to this once and for all. After that,” he turned to face me, “I would like your permission to formally date your sister. I want it all with Lily and I won’t hide my intentions. I want her as mine, always. When she’s ready, I want to marry her.”

My eyes widened and I blindly grabbed the decanter. “Marriage.” I glanced over long enough to pour my drink. I had it finished before I could find my voice. “If Lily wants you that way, we’ll go from there. I’m not sure I can give you a blessing until I see the two of you together for myself. But what I can give you is a job,” I ground out. “You’re going to need one of those. As for taking her…” I shook my head. “My sister isn’t going to be dragged across the country to some place I’m unaware of. If you want to work things out, you’ll stay in my place in Washington. That’s final, or else I take back what I said. I want her safe and although I trust you, I want her protected to the max until your family is taken care of.”

“Text me the address.” He was already turning around when I stepped forward.

“No, bring her back here and once I see that she’s okay, you can fly out. No easy access into the estate, remember?”

He paused. “That’s right. Okay, I’ll bring her back here first.”


“I got it!” Brace yelled from the living room.

Urgency raced through his features as he turned, looking over his shoulder.

“Get a damn vest from Brace. I don’t need you back in the hospital.”

“Blake already offered me one of his. I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.” The door swung fully open and he dashed out, but I was left with uneasiness. What condition was he going to find Lily in? Was she okay? Was she even still there?

With the decanter in one hand and my glass in the other, I joined the rest of them in the living room. Zain and Blake were already rushing for the front door with Marcio following. I didn’t question it. Didn’t have to. He was like another brother to Lily and she was in great hands. If only they could get there fast enough.

Chapter 21


A woman can be fast and strong, but compared to a man who is running at her full force, if she has nowhere to go, her power is limited. As Jonathon charged at me for the fifth time, I knew I was in trouble. More so than I wanted to accept. The anger he held at not being able to get me had long disappeared into frustration and rage. But now he had me cornered. There was nowhere for me to go.

Screams from the next room echoed around me, as if coming from a far off place. Time was slowing as my adrenaline peaked. It was all I had left. My body was already so exhausted and weak. If I didn’t put an end to this soon, I was done for. I would be a victim of one of the worst crimes imaginable —again.

“No!’ Bethany’s long, drawn out scream penetrated my ears only a split second before Jonathan came crashing into me. The connection we made with the wooden wall behind me was enough to knock the air from my lungs completely. Stars danced around my vision, but muscle memory kicked in despite the pain and fear. My hands flew out and my thumbs pushed into his eyes as hard as I could. Only one was successful, but it was enough to have him jerking back and reaching for his face. The crunch under my palm as I smashed it into his nose was only a temporary victory. His arm locked around my waist and he used his shoulder to push both of mine harder into the wall. Had I had more room, I could have done worse damage with my blow, but it hadn’t been enough.

“You fucking bitch. You’ll be hanging on by a thread by the time I get done with you.”

My knees drew up between his legs and I managed to add space, but not enough to do any damage or force him further away.

“You like getting your ass fucked?” His hand ripped at my pants, moving them to the very edge of my hips. Fear had me fighting harder. They were going to fall soon and there was nothing I could do to keep them up if my leg dropped. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll be lucky to walk again. Dry, hardcore, ass fucking. And you’re going to take it.”

One minute, I was at the wall, the next, he was spinning me and slamming me on the hard floor. My head lifted on instinct, leaving my upper back taking the impact. All the air left me again and I clawed at him, trying to will oxygen back.
