Page 14 of Prince of Carnage

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He shrugs and turns to look at me, his eyes calculating. "Your sister's a good lawyer. If she could get a sap like Primo off the hook for murder, I'm sure she could get you off scot-free too."

I glare at him, my resolve hardening. "No," I finally say, my voice firm.

"Sure thing, Doc," he says, smirking as he leaves the room with me in it. His words echo in my head, and I can't shake the feeling that this isn't the last I've heard of this request.

As the door closes behind him, I slide down the wall, my heart still racing. I can't deny the thrill of being around Constantino, but I know I shouldn't give in to the temptation. With every encounter, I risk losing myself in his dark, dangerous world, and I have no intention of becoming another casualty in his twisted game.

The moment I step into my house, exhaustion hits me like a ton of bricks. Tonight was the last night of a string of grueling shifts, and all I want to do is collapse into bed. My luxurious home, complete with high ceilings and elegant furnishings, offers little comfort as I let my coat fall to the floor and kick off my shoes.

I drag myself upstairs, passing the ornate chandelier that casts a warm glow over the grand staircase. The plush carpet beneath my feet does little to alleviate the weight of the day. Reaching the master bedroom, I throw myself onto the inviting king-sized bed, buried in soft pillows and silk sheets.

Just as I'm about to drift off, my phone beeps on the bedside table. It's Isabella calling. We often talk in the mornings, given our opposite schedules; I'm wrapping up a night shift while she's just starting her day.

"Hey, Bella," I mumble, forcing myself to sit up.

"Morning, Eve. How're you holding up?" her voice sounds concerned.

"Exhausted" is an understatement, but it'll do for now. "You wouldn't believe the nights I've had."

"Try me."

I sigh, hesitating before diving into the story. "Well, I ended up stitching Constantino up at the Maldonado mansion the night before last."

"Jesus, Evelyn," Isabella exclaims, worry seeping through her words. "What happened?"

"Long story short, Teddy called me saying his brother had been shot, and I couldn't exactly turn him away."

"God, those boys are nothing but trouble," she mutters.

I chuckle to myself. "You married one."

I know she's rolling her eyes on the other side of the phone. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired. But enough about me, how are you?"

"Concerned about my big sister getting involved with the Maldonado's lunatic brother," she replies, her voice laced with sincerity. "Promise me you'll be careful?"

"Of course, Bella," I assure her, although I can't help but feel an unsettling mix of dread and excitement at the thought of seeing Constantino again.

"Seriously, Eve. Constantino is bad news. You know that," Isabella's voice takes on a more serious tone. "You shouldn't have anything to do with him."

"Yeah, I know," I sigh, running my fingers through my tousled hair. I know she's right, but I also feel so drawn to Constantino, his dangerous aura captivating me in ways I never thought possible.

"Look, maybe it's the fact that he's so... forbidden that you find appealing," she suggests, her words striking a chord deep within me. "But you need to stay away from him. You're too good to get involved in all of that."

I snort at her assertion, the sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Too good? Right. I'm just an exhausted doctor whose life revolves around sutures and sleepless nights."

"Stop selling yourself short, Evelyn," Isabella scolds me gently. "You deserve better. Promise me you won't see Constantino anymore."

"Isabella, I didn't go out of my way to see him. He visited me at work," I tell her, stifling a yawn as the fatigue catches up to me. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Fine? That man leaves carnage wherever he goes, and I don't want my sister caught in the crossfire," she says, her concern evident.

"Okay, okay," I relent. "I promise I'll be careful."

"Okay, good. Now, get some rest," Isabella tells me, her voice softening.

"Night, Bella," I reply, ending the call and collapsing back onto my pillow. Sleep tugs at the edges of my consciousness, but my thoughts linger on Constantino – his dark hair, those piercing green eyes, the danger he represents.
