Page 17 of Prince of Carnage

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I glance at Evan, who's completely absorbed in a cartoon on TV, blissfully unaware of our conversation. "He's otherwise occupied," I say, but Sebastian just shakes his head.

"Y'know, I've never been impressed by a woman before, that's true," I admit, feeling a little defensive.

"But this one's different?" he asks, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Can we not do this?" I snap, feeling my face heat up.

"Ah, c'mon, what's the harm?" he goads.

"You trying to set me up or match-make me or something? It's weird. I've got no time for women, and yeah, generally, I see their worth between the sheets. Okay, so one did her job better than adequately. Doesn't mean I'm gonna go all soft for her pussy."

"Sounds like you're going hard for it," he teases, holding back laughter.

"Thought we were trying to keep it clean," I retort, giving him a cold look. "And this conversation is over."

Sebastian chuckles, clearly enjoying himself. "Alright, alright."

He stands up from his chair, clapping his hands together. "I'll work on setting up a time," he tells me. "Alright, Evan, we'regoing." His son jumps off the couch and scampers over. "What do you say?"

"Thank you for letting me visit and play on your stairs and watch your television," Evan says, his eyes wide and earnest.

"We're working on manners," Sebastian explains, looking at his son with pride. I can't help but smile and give the kid a quick ruffle of his hair.

"No problem, champ."

"I'll be in touch," Sebastian says, and I nod as they leave. The door closes, and I lock it behind them. The apartment feels even emptier than before. I hate to admit it, but the kid running around, though hectic, made things feel a bit more like a home.

I scoff at the thought. Not that I even know what that means. I've never really had a home, just another battlefield everywhere I go.

The sting in my shoulder seems to intensify, and I can't help but grumble as I search for my phone. Maybe I should actually listen to the hot doctor and make sure my wound is cleaned out correctly. I know I brushed off her warning about gangrene, but maybe she has a point. Digging through the clutter on my kitchen counter, I finally find my phone and send a text to Teddy.

Hey, need your help with something. Are you at the mansion?

His response comes quickly – he's always been the worrywart of the family.

No, but I can be. What's the matter? Everything OK?

Everything's fine. Just need you to change my bandage on my shoulder.

I can just meet you at your place.

I know why he's offering. I haven't given him my address, and he's the sort of guy who wants to know everything even if he doesn't want to get involved in anything.

Nah, I'll just come to you.

Fine ??

As I get into my car, I know I should be thinking about the impending war with the Irish and the plan I just made with Sebastian. But as I drive closer to the mansion, all I seem to have on my mind are images of a certain doctor.

Chapter Nine

My phone beeps with a text message notification, and I groan. I'm still not recovered from my grueling string of shifts. I spent basically the last two days in bed, with sleep filled with anxiety nightmares. In one dream, I stood at the center of the hospital, surrounded by my colleagues as my boss berated me, telling me how useless I was. She ripped off my lab coat, screaming that I was fired, leaving me standing there in nothing but my underwear.

The other nightmare was more vivid, and it left me shaken. Constantino lay on a sterile hospital bed, his green eyes pleading with me to save him. But no matter what I did, blood kept pouring from an unseen wound, and I was powerless to stop it. Finally, his body went limp, and I woke up crying.

That last one was odd, and I already don't like how much I'm thinking about this guy. I learned the hard way that men are not to be trusted. And Constantino has made absolutely no effort tohide the fact that he has very little respect for women and doesn't do relationships.

For that matter, neither have I. Because I am the same way. I swore off men after my divorce and use them only for a good time between the sheets. In many ways, that's how Constantino sees women. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to him? Because deep down, I know it would be a completely no strings attached situation, and he looks like he could deliver a good time.
