Page 22 of Prince of Carnage

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Chapter Twelve

I stare at my phone, debating whether or not to hit send. Texting Evelyn and telling her I've got a medical emergency at the mansion is a shitty thing of me to do, but let's face it, I've done a lot of shitty things, and compared to those, this isn't even that bad.

The woman has been on my mind for too long, and I decide that I need to see her again. I'm obviously building her up in my mind too much. Every time I've seen her, she's also been patching me up. Clearly, that's why I'm infatuated with her—because not many people have willingly helped me in my life without expecting something in return. But, this time, she'll get here, she'll be angry when she realizes that I've lied, and I'll be able to take her off the pedestal my traitorous brain has placed her on.

I hit send.

As I wait for her to arrive, I look around the mansion. It's sad to see the place so empty and quiet. Not even Teddy lives here anymore. When we were all kids, this place was basicallythe center of organized crime in all of New England. Meetings with very high-level bosses from multiple families would come here. There were plenty of soldiers roaming the grounds to keep everyone inside safe, and more inside waiting for work or just here to visit. I may not have grown up with a traditional family, and the relationship with my father may have been strained, but I never felt lonely. Now, this place sits completely empty, a mirror image of the power my family has lost over these decades.

"Ugh, could you be any slower?" I mutter under my breath, pacing back and forth in front of the window. My anxiety is a pack of wolves in my chest, snarling as they claw their way out. My fixation on this woman is stupid, and I know it. But I can't help it.

The silence is deafening in the empty mansion, a stark reminder of the loneliness that plagues me. I hate being alone. It makes me reminisce, dredging up memories better left buried. My mind wanders back to Primo's trial, with Isabella, his now-wife, tearing into me like a wild animal. She accused me of setting him up for the murder with my father. Yeah, I falsified my visit records with dear old dad, but she never understood why.

I wasn't trying to set Primo up; I was trying to save his dumb ass. That night at the warehouse, he would've been killed if it weren't for me taking out the guy sent to off him. Of course, me being there would've implicated me, so I developed an alibi.

What took me some time to figure out was that the mastermind behind all this was, ironically, my father. It was him who was working with the rogue agent, Axe, and it was him that wanted to see Primo get caught up with the law.

"Betrayal runs in the family, huh?" I say to the empty room. It's been some time since I've visited him in prison. Given my current status, it's not easy to go out and announce mywhereabouts to people. But the next time I do visit him, I want answers.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door swinging open, followed by heavy breathing. Finally, a distraction. Evelyn rushes into the room, eyes frantic as she takes in my relaxed form on the cushioned leather sofa. I can't help but eye her up and down, appreciating the sight before me. We're not the fondest of each other, but damn, I can't deny my desire to have her.

"Where's the emergency?" she snaps, hands on her hips. I smirk, knowing full well the carnage I'm about to unleash.

"Right here," I say, gesturing to myself.

"Are you fucking serious, Constantino?" she yells. "You called me out here on my last day off before I have to go back to work, and for what? To ruin it?"

I lean back on the sofa, smirking. "You should feel lucky to be spending it with me."

Evelyn marches toward me and I stand to meet her. Her hands ball into fists at her sides. Her anger is palpable, but it only serves to fuel my desires. She places her hands on my chest, pushing me back in an attempt to assert some sort of dominance. It's cute, really.

"Enough of this, Constantino!" she spits out, her face inches from mine.

In a swift motion, I grab her wrists and pin them above her head against the wall. Her scent washes over me, intoxicating and arousing. I want her to give in, just a little, so we can see what kind of fun awaits us. I lean in, my lips brushing against her ear as I growl, "I could show you such a good time, Evelyn. Let me make your day off memorable."

I can see a flicker of interest in her eyes, as if she's considering my proposal. She shivers under my touch, hesitating for a moment before her resolve strengthens. Using all hermight, she pushes against me, and I stumble backward, surprised by her sudden burst of energy.

"Nice try, but you don't have that kind of power over me," she says, panting slightly.

"Yet," I counter, my eyes never leaving hers. She may have pushed me away this time, but I can see the curiosity flicker in her gaze. It's only a matter of time before she gives in.

I watch as a smile spreads across Evelyn's face, her anger momentarily forgotten. I can tell that she's enjoying the attention I'm giving her. "I didn't say you could touch me," she chastises.

"Ah, but you also didn't say I couldn't," I shoot back, my eyes gleaming with amusement. We lock gazes and for a moment, time seems to stand still. The air between us crackles with tension, the heat of our bodies drawing us closer like magnets.

Unable to resist any longer, I move in to capture her lips with mine. But just as our lips are about to touch, she bites me, a wicked grin on her face. I pull back, a hint of worry creeping in – maybe she really doesn't want this. But her smile tells me otherwise. She's letting go, enjoying herself even if she's still irritated with me.

"What do you want, Evelyn?" I ask, my voice low and husky.

Her eyes meet mine, determination mixed with vulnerability. "I want fun, and I want to forget," she replies, her voice wavering ever so slightly.

A smirk forms on my lips. "I can definitely deliver both."

I reach out, tucking a strand of her blond hair behind her ear, my fingers brushing against her soft skin. The intimacy of the gesture is electrifying, and I can see her blue eyes darken with desire.

"I'll let you show me a good time," she whispers, leaning in close, her breath hot against my lips. "But, only if you can catch me first."

I try and reach for her waist, but she's already running away from me and down the hallway. Even from here I can see her body tremble with anticipation. My heart is pounding against my chest and my pulse races. For the first time in a long while, I'm not thinking about the emptiness of the mansion or the ghosts of my past. All my attention, all my focus, is solely on the woman in front of me and the promise of pleasure that awaits us both.

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