Page 37 of Prince of Carnage

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"Nothing concrete yet, but I'm working on it," Seb answers, visibly frustrated by the lack of solid information.

"Keep digging," I tell him, trying to keep my anger in check. "We need to know who's behind this, and we need to use them as public examples."

"Understood, boss." Seb nods, his determination clear. "I won't stop until we get some answers."

"Good." My mind races with thoughts of vengeance and retribution.

My knuckles crack as I clench my fists, the anger pulsing through me like a live wire. "We need to escalate things, Seb. This shit can't go unanswered."

Seb runs a hand through his hair, hesitation written all over his face. "I don't know. Are we really ready for this? Yeah, we've got some loyal guys, but is that enough to take on the Irish?"

"Fuck being ready," I spit out, my green eyes blazing. "I'm taking over as head of the family, and our first order of business is giving those bastards a taste of their own medicine."

"Constantino, I'll support you," Seb says cautiously, rubbing at the stubble on his chin. "But I have my reservations about going all in right now."

"Appreciate the support," I say, grinding my teeth to keep from snapping at him. My heart hammers in my chest, adrenaline pumping through my veins. "Call a family meeting. Get the old guard together. I intend to make my ascension public. We need to show them we're not fucking around."

"Alright, I'll make the calls," he concedes, frowning as he pulls out his phone. As he starts dialing, my mind churns with plans and strategies.

In my head, I see the Irish scum who killed my father, their faces twisted with fear as we hunt them down like the animals they are. The image brings satisfaction, feeding the fire that burns within me. They fucked with the wrong family, and they're about to learn just how deadly that mistake can be.

"Meeting's set for tomorrow night," Seb informs me, snapping me back to reality. "Everyone will be there."

"Good." I nod once, my gaze locked onto his. "We show them our strength, and we make it clear that the Maldonado family won't take this lying down."

"Okay," Seb replies, his voice firm with resolve. The uncertainty in his eyes still lingers, but I know he's got my back.

"If there's nothing else, I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow," he says. "I've gotta get back to my kid."

"Get some rest," I tell him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "And take care of your family. We've got a long road ahead of us."

The door closes behind him, leaving me alone in the musty apartment. My thoughts drift to Evelyn – locked up in that mansion like a little rabbit in a cage. I know she's furious, and part of me can't help but be drawn to that fire.

I glance at the security monitor, pulling up the feed from the mansion. There she is, pacing in the front foyer, her blonde hair wild and her blue eyes blazing with anger. She's tried calling me over thirty times, and I can practically feel the heat of her rage through the screen.

"Damn, you're something else, aren't you, little rabbit?" I mutter under my breath, admiring her spirit. Most women would've wilted under these circumstances, but not her. She fights, yells, screams – it's all part of what makes her so intoxicating. And right now, I want nothing more than to be there with her, feeling the sting of her wrath firsthand.

But I can't. Not tonight. It's too dangerous, and we need to be smart about this. Keeping our distance is the only way to ensure both our safety and the success of my plans.

My fingers itch to dial her number, to hear her voice even if it's laced with venom. But I resist. Instead, I study her image on the screen, trying to memorize every detail: the curve of her cheek, the stubborn set of her jaw, the way her nostrils flare when she's angry.

"Fuck," I whisper, tearing my gaze away from my phone. This isn't helping. All it's doing is making me want her more, and that's a distraction I can't afford right now. With a deep breath, I turn my attention to the task at hand – planning our retaliation against the Irish.

"Time to show these bastards who they're messing with," I growl, my fingers drumming on the table as my mind races with strategies and schemes. The fire inside me burns brighter, fueled by the knowledge that I'm doing this not just for myself, but for Evelyn too.

I want to protect her, to keep her safe from the violence that's about to be unleashed. And if that means locking her away and keeping my distance for a little while longer, then so be it.

"Tomorrow night," I promise myself, gritting my teeth. "Once we've struck back, once we've shown them our strength...then I'll go to her."

With renewed determination, I throw myself into my plans, my thoughts of Evelyn pushed aside – for now – in favor of the cold, calculated brutality that will bring my enemies to their knees.

And when it's over, when the dust has settled and the blood has been spilled, I'll find my way back to her. I'll face her anger and her fire, and together, we'll burn.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I watch from a distance as the members of the old guard filter into the warehouse, their shadows long and ominous against the afternoon sun. The Italian mafia bosses, each dressed in expensive suits tailored to perfection, walk with a certain air of arrogance that only comes from years of power and influence. I can't help but smirk at their predictable attire, knowing full well that I'm about to walk in there wearing my usual jeans and a leather jacket.

"Fuck them," I think to myself, "I'm not changing for anyone, and they'll have to accept me like it or not."
